1. Frameworks
  2. Angular


Install Preline UI with Angular using Tailwind CSS

Setting up Preline UI in a Angular project using Tailwind CSS.


Please note that the plugin has been tested with the latest version of the framework (v17.0.0). The framework was installed using the standard ng new <project-name> command. Components were created by ng generate component <component-name> command.
If you are using your own project structure, be mindful of file paths!

Quick Angular setup

A JavaScript framework for dynamic web applications. If you haven't set up Tailwind CSS yet, check out Angular Tailwind CSS installation guides.

Preline UI + Angular
  1. Install Preline UI

    Install preline via npm or yarn.

    // Terminal or Shellnpm install preline // or yarn add preline
  2. Configure Preline UI JavaScript paths

    Add the path to Preline UI JavaScript files in your tailwind.config.js file.

    // tailwind.config.jsmodule.exports = {  content: [      './node_modules/preline/preline.js',  ],  plugins: [      require('preline/plugin'),  ],}
  3. Add the Preline UI JavaScript

    Include Preline UI JavaScript to the projects_root_directory/angular.json file.

                              "projects": {
                                "angular": {
                                  "architect": {
                                    "build": {
                                      "options": {
                                        "scripts": [
  4. Add a reinitialization helper

    Add code that reinitializes the components every time the page is refreshed to your app projects_root_directory/src/app/app.component.ts

                            import { Router, Event, NavigationEnd } from '@angular/router';
                            import { IStaticMethods } from 'preline/preline';
                            declare global {
                              interface Window {
                                HSStaticMethods: IStaticMethods;
                            export class AppComponent {
                              constructor(private router: Router) {
                              ngOnInit() {
                                this.router.events.subscribe((event: Event) => {
                                  if (event instanceof NavigationEnd) {
                                    setTimeout(() => {
                                    }, 100);