

See what's new added, changed, fixed, improved or updated.

July 26, 2024

Fixed Transition issue in Chrome

Fixes and Improvements
  • Fixed: Transition issue which occurred in Chrome 127.0.6533.73 release. Thanks to @oliverhaas for the detailed [issu 414] report.
22 July, 2024

New Personal Template, Datatables and File-Upload plugins and more

This update brings a new Personal Templates, Datatables & File-Upload plugins, Examples, Improvements and Bug Fixes.

New Examples and Templates pages
New Plugins
Fixes and Improvements
May 24, 2024

New Tree View components and plugin enhancements

This update brings new Tree View components, textarea autohight extension and some core plugin enhancements.

Fixes and Improvements
  • Improved: core plugin scripts for Dropdown, ComboBox, Accordion and others.
  • Feature request: Tree View component [Issue #330]
  • Fixed: WYSIWYG editor [Issue #342]
  • Fixed: Combobox selection of ahref items using keyboard [Issue #353]
April 15, 2024

New Templates, Dashboard Page, Dark Color scheme and more

This update brings brand new 2 free Template, Dashboard page, New Dark Color scheme for free components and examples to align them with the Pro and other minor enhancements.

New Examples and Templates pages
Fixes and Improvements
  • Improved: Input and Textarea Floating Label animations
  • Bunch of other fixes and improvements.
April 1, 2024

New Plugins, Components, Improvements, Bug Fixes and more

This update brings new ComboBox (Autocomplete) plugin, Searchbox components, improvements and bug fixes based on feedback reported on Github.

Please note, this update requires to use the lates version of Tailwind CSS v3.4.x.

New Plugins
  • Updated: Tailwind CSS to v3.4.1
Fixes and Improvements
December 28, 2023

Improvements & Bug Fixes

This update brings minor enhancements and resolves issues based on feedback reported on Github.

Fixes and Improvements
November 23, 2023

Hot Fixes

Fixed path name on package.json file.

November 22, 2023

Hot Fixes

Updated script file name from index.js to preline.js

November 06, 2023

New Components, Plugins, TypeScript support and more

Meet Preline UI v2.0.0 - this release features:

  • Hundreds of new Components
  • 9 new Plugins
  • Third-Party Plugins Integrations
  • TypeScript Support
  • and many more..

Breaking changes

Please note that there are some breaking changes to bear in mind when moving from v1.9.0 to v2.0. Learn more

New Examples pages
New Plugins
New Components
Breaking changes
  • Dropped: Bootstrap Icons in favor of Lucide
  • Changed: Border radius changed from rounded-md to rounded-lg for all components
  • Renamed: Modal in the Plugins to Overlay
  • Dropped: Mega Menu in the Plugins page causing confusion due to duplication with the Dropdown. However, full examples are in the Component pages.
  • Dropped: Offcanvas in the Plugins page causing confusion due to duplication with the Modal. However, full examples are in the Component pages.
  • Dropped: Sidebar in the Plugins page causing confusion due to duplication with the Modal. However, full examples are in the Component pages.
  • Dropped: Popover in the Plugins page causing confusion due to duplication with the Tooltip. However, full examples are in the Component pages.
Fixes and Improvements
  • Fixed: Overlay plugin - hs-overlay-backdrop-open: class not working with dark: class.
  • Fixed: Table - Products Review broken on Firefox [Issue #107]
  • Fixed: All examples in example page have a unnecessary ,nav closing tag [Issue #97]
  • Improvements: Simplified RTL support with logical properties now supported in Preline.
  • Improvements: <a href="javascript:;">...</a> dropped in favor of <button>...</button> tag.
  • Improvements: The markup for progress bars has been updated in v2.0.0. Now, role="progressbar" and the relevant aria-* attributes are on the outer progress element, leaving the inner bar purely for the visual presentation of the bar and optional label.
  • Bunch of other fixes and improvements.
June 09, 2023

New Starter Pages & Examples additions

Meet Preline UI v1.9.0 - this release features 4 AI Prompt and a new Cover Page Starter Pages & Examples additions.

New Examples pages & Framework Guides
Fixes and Improvements
  • Fixed: Tooltip plugin - Tooltip not closing on firefox. [Issue #71]
  • Fixed: Accordion plugin - Placing the Tabs under the Accordion forces all Tab items to be active as initial when click the Accordion item. [Issue #63]
April 10, 2023

New Starter Pages & Examples additions

Meet Preline UI v1.8.0 - this release features 11 new Starter Pages & Examples additions.

New Examples pages
Fixes and Improvements
  • Improved: Framework Guides pages with some updated content and added Stackblitz playground demos.
  • Fixed: Vertically centered modal examples not closing. Added pointer-events-none class to the parent div.
January 25, 2023

New Starter Pages & Examples additions

Meet Preline UI v1.7.0 - this release features 30 new Starter Pages & Examples additions.

New Examples pages
Fixes and Improvements
  • Fixed: Minor fix for Tooltip plugin - overlap issue when multiple tooltips are used.
December 13, 2022

New Starter Pages & Examples additions

Meet Preline UI v1.6.0 - this release features 19 new Starter Pages & Examples additions.

New Examples pages
Fixes and Improvements
  • Fixed: Astro Guides Typo error. Check out @alec-c4's workaround for alternative solution.
  • Improved: Added hs-overlay-backdrop-open class for more control over overlay backdrop styles for the Overlay (modal, offcanvas, sidebar) plugin.
December 5, 2022

New Starter Pages & Examples additions

Meet Preline UI v1.5.0 - this release features 30 new Starter Pages & Examples additions.

New Examples pages
November 30, 2022

New Static Icons component and Astro framework guide and of course, New Starter Pages & Examples additions

Preline UI v1.4.0 has arrived! This release features 15 new Starter Pages & Examples additions.

New Examples pages and Components
November 21, 2022

Preline UI Figma

Preline UI v1.3.0 has arrived! This release features new Figma page.

New Features
  • Figma: We are releasing Preline UI Figma - an open-source project based on the Tailwind CSS and Preline UI components with extra top-notch additions.
Fixes and Improvements
  • Fixed: Sidebar & Header examples for mobile resolutions
  • Improved: Minor fixes for preline.js bundle package - thanks to @very-random-man for the PR
September 7, 2022

Updated README file

Minor changes in the README file.

  • Updated: README file
September 5, 2022

Redesigned Plugins page, new framework guides, Starter Pages & Examples additions and more

Preline UI v1.2.0 has arrived! This release features redesigned Plugins page, new Framework Guides page, new Starter Pages & Examples additions and more.

Breaking changes

Please note that there are some breaking changes to bear in mind when moving from v1.1.x to v1.1.2. Learn more

New Features, Examples pages and Components
Breaking changes
  • Dropped: Modal, Sidebar and Offcanvas plugins dropped in favor of the new Overlay plugin.
  • Dropped: Mega Menu plugin dropped in favor of Dropdown plugin.
  • Renamed: hs-ui.bundle.js to preline.js
June 23, 2022

Updated README file

Minor changes in the README file.

  • Updated: README file
June 14, 2022

Updated Webpack

Updated Webpack js file for umd type library.

  • Updated: Webpack js file for umd type library.
June 13, 2022

Preline UI Figma

Preline UI v1.1.0 has arrived! This release features new Starter Pages & Examples page, latest Tailwind CSS v3.1.2, new Sidebar documentation page and plugin updates.

New Features and Components
  • Starter Pages & Examples: Quickly get a project started with any of our examples ranging from using parts of the UI to custom components and layouts... aaaaand it's completely free! 🎁
  • Component: Build sidebars into your project for navigation, shopping carts, and more.
  • Updated: Tailwind CSS to v3.1.2
  • Updated: preline ui bundle from v1.0.5 to v1.0.7
  • Updated: tailwindcss from v3.0.24 to v3.1.2
  • Updated: @tailwindcss/forms from v0.4.1 to v0.5.2
June 8, 2022

Initial release

Preline UI is an open-source set of prebuilt UI components based on the utility-first Tailwind CSS framework.