1. Components
  2. Tables


Tailwind CSS Tables

Choose the best Tailwind CSS table for responsive, grid-like data display. Easily customise it with search, pagination, action buttons and more.


Using the most basic table markup, here's how tables look.

All the examples are responsive - tables allow tables to be scrolled horizontally with ease.

Name Age Address Action
John Brown 45 New York No. 1 Lake Park
Jim Green 27 London No. 1 Lake Park
Joe Black 31 Sidney No. 1 Lake Park

Striped rows

Add zebra-striping to any table row.

Name Age Address Action
John Brown 45 New York No. 1 Lake Park
Jim Green 27 London No. 1 Lake Park
Joe Black 31 Sidney No. 1 Lake Park
Edward King 16 LA No. 1 Lake Park
Jim Red 45 Melbourne No. 1 Lake Park

Hoverable rows

Add hover-state on table row.

Name Age Address Action
John Brown 45 New York No. 1 Lake Park
Jim Green 27 London No. 1 Lake Park
Joe Black 31 Sidney No. 1 Lake Park
Edward King 16 LA No. 1 Lake Park
Jim Red 45 Melbourne No. 1 Lake Park

These hoverable rows can also be combined with the striped variant:

Name Age Address Action
John Brown 45 New York No. 1 Lake Park
Jim Green 27 London No. 1 Lake Park
Joe Black 31 Sidney No. 1 Lake Park
Edward King 16 LA No. 1 Lake Park
Jim Red 45 Melbourne No. 1 Lake Park

Highlighted tables

Highlight a table row or cell.

Name Age Address Action
John Brown 45 New York No. 1 Lake Park
Jim Green 27 London No. 1 Lake Park
Joe Black 31 Sidney No. 1 Lake Park

Bordered tables

Add border on all sides of the table and cells.

Name Age Address Action
John Brown 45 New York No. 1 Lake Park
Jim Green 27 London No. 1 Lake Park
Joe Black 31 Sidney No. 1 Lake Park

Tables without borders

A table without borders.

Name Age Address Action
John Brown 45 New York No. 1 Lake Park
Jim Green 27 London No. 1 Lake Park
Joe Black 31 Sidney No. 1 Lake Park

Rounded tables

Use the border radius utility classes to make tables more rounded.

Name Age Address Action
John Brown 45 New York No. 1 Lake Park
Jim Green 27 London No. 1 Lake Park
Joe Black 31 Sidney No. 1 Lake Park

Thead vertically divided

Header titles vertically divided.

Name Age Address Action
John Brown 45 New York No. 1 Lake Park
Jim Green 27 London No. 1 Lake Park
Joe Black 31 Sidney No. 1 Lake Park

Header in gray color

<thead>'s appearance in gray.

Name Age Address Action
John Brown 45 New York No. 1 Lake Park
Jim Green 27 London No. 1 Lake Park
Joe Black 31 Sidney No. 1 Lake Park

With shadow-xs

Use the shadow utility classes to make tables more rounded.

Name Age Address Action
John Brown 45 New York No. 1 Lake Park
Jim Green 27 London No. 1 Lake Park
Joe Black 31 Sidney No. 1 Lake Park


A table can render without a table header if no thead is supplied.

John Brown 45 New York No. 1 Lake Park
Jim Green 27 London No. 1 Lake Park
Joe Black 31 Sidney No. 1 Lake Park

Table foot

Examples of <tfoot>

Name Age Address Action
John Brown 45 New York No. 1 Lake Park
Jim Green 27 London No. 1 Lake Park
Footer Footer Footer


A <caption> functions like a heading for a table. It helps users with screen readers to find a table and understand what it’s about and decide if they want to read it.

List of users
Name Age Address Action
John Brown 45 New York No. 1 Lake Park
Jim Green 27 London No. 1 Lake Park
Joe Black 31 Sidney No. 1 Lake Park


Larger tables or tables that cannot be constrained easily should make use of horizontal scroll.

Name Title Age Email Address Action
John Brown Regional Paradigm Technician john@site.com 45 New York No. 1 Lake Park
Jim Green Forward Response Developer jim@site.com 27 London No. 1 Lake Park
Joe Black Product Directives Officer joe@site.com 31 Sidney No. 1 Lake Park


Rows can be selectable by making first column as a selectable column.

Name Age Address Action
John Brown 45 New York No. 1 Lake Park
Jim Green 27 London No. 1 Lake Park
Joe Black 31 Sidney No. 1 Lake Park
Edward King 16 LA No. 1 Lake Park
Jim Red 45 Melbourne No. 1 Lake Park

Search input

Search is used for making dropdown items searchable.

Name Age Address Action
John Brown 45 New York No. 1 Lake Park
Jim Green 27 London No. 1 Lake Park
Joe Black 31 Sidney No. 1 Lake Park
Edward King 16 LA No. 1 Lake Park
Jim Red 45 Melbourne No. 1 Lake Park

With pagination

Example with pagination.

Name Age Address Action
John Brown 45 New York No. 1 Lake Park
Jim Green 27 London No. 1 Lake Park
Joe Black 31 Sidney No. 1 Lake Park
Edward King 16 LA No. 1 Lake Park
Jim Red 45 Melbourne No. 1 Lake Park

Table layout using <div> tag

Use the table, .table-row, .table-cell, .table-caption, .table-column, .table-column-group, .table-header-group, table-row-group, and .table-footer-group utility classes to create elements that behave like their respective table elements.

John Brown
New York No. 1 Lake Park
Jim Green
London No. 1 Lake Park
Joe Black
Sidney No. 1 Lake Park