1. Components
  2. Advanced Datepicker

Third-Party Plugins

Tailwind CSS Advanced Datepicker

The Advanced Datepicker component for selecting date and time, ideally combining ease and powerful functionality.

Requires Additional Installation

Note that this component requires the use of the third-party Vanilla Calendar Pro plugin.

Requires JS

Note that this component requires the use of our Advanced Datepicker plugin, else you can skip this message if you are already using Preline UI as a package.

How to use

  1. Install Vanilla Calendar Pro

    Install Vanilla Calendar Pro via npm

    npm i vanilla-calendar-pro
  2. Add the Vanilla Calendar Pro JavaScript

    Include the JavaScript <script> near the end of your </body> tag:

    <script src="./node_modules/lodash/lodash.min.js"></script><script src="./node_modules/vanilla-calendar-pro/index.js"></script>

    Certain JavaScript Helpers in Preline UI make use of Lodash plugin. Don't forget to install it, if you haven't done so already: npm i lodash

  3. Add Preline CSS for an Advanced Datepicker

    Import the Preline UI Datepciker CSS file into your Tailwind CSS file. Here's how the full CSS file should look like:

                          @import "tailwindcss";
                          /* Preline UI */
                          @import "./node_modules/preline/variants.css";
                          @import "./node_modules/preline/src/plugins/datepicker/styles.css";
                          /* Plugins */
                          @plugin "@tailwindcss/forms";

Basic usage

A basic usage of advanced datepicker.

Multiple dates

An example showing the ability to select multiple dates.

Single pre-set ranges

This example allows to select a range of dates.

With time

Datepickers can be customized to select time.


Datepickers can be customized to select ranges.

Pre-set ranges

This example allows to select a pre-set range.

Ranges with time

Ranges example with dates between start and end dates.


Example of an inline datepicker with range selection and time input.

Default controls

A grid-based date picker with a structured month and year selection interfaces.

Custom styles for selects

Demonstrates how to apply custom styles to advanced select elements.