1. Plugins
  2. Advanced Datepicker


Tailwind CSS Datepicker

Datepicker JavaScript plugin.



To get started, install Vanilla Calendar Pro and Lodash plugin via npm with Preline UI's Datepicker plugin, you may skip Preline UI's plugin installation step if you are already using Preline UI as a package.

                        npm i vanilla-calendar-pro lodash @preline/datepicker


Here is a basic example of a datepicker.

Basic usage

Prefer to create your own style? Here is a completely unstylized example.


Data Options

Vanilla Calendar Pro

Please note that this component requires the use of the Vanilla Calendar Pro plugin. Most options available in the plugin are available in our wrapper.

Name Description Options Default value
data-hs-datepicker Activate a Datepicker by specifying on an element. Should be added to the element itself.
:mode This option allows you to specify the operational mode of the datepicker. It determines how the datepicker behaves and displays its interface. Examples of possible values include:
  • default standard layout, provided by the Vanilla Calendar Pro
  • custom-select activates custom select inputs for months, years and time elements
"default" | "custom-select" default
:inputModeOptions.dateSeparator Specifies the character used to separate the year, month, and day in the date format displayed in the input field. E.g. / produces a date format like 2024/01/22 string .
:inputModeOptions.itemsSeparator pecifies the character or string used to separate multiple date entries in the input field when multiple dates are selected. E.g. | produces a format like 2024-01-22 | 2024-01-23 string ,
:styles.customSelect.shared Defines shared styling configurations for Advanced Custom Select components. These styles are consistently applied to all instances of the Advanced Custom Select within the wrapper, ensuring a unified and cohesive appearance. Advanced Select Options
:styles.customSelect.months Defines additional styling configurations specifically for the "months" instance of the Advanced Custom Select. These options are combined with the styles.customSelect.shared settings, allowing you to customize the appearance of the "months" component while maintaining consistency with the shared styles. Advanced Select Options
:styles.customSelect.years Defines additional styling configurations specifically for the "months" instance of the Advanced Custom Select. These options are combined with the styles.customSelect.shared settings, allowing you to customize the appearance of the "years" component while maintaining consistency with the shared styles. Advanced Select Options
:styles.customSelect.hours Defines additional styling configurations specifically for the "hours" instance of the Advanced Custom Select. These options are combined with the styles.customSelect.shared settings, allowing you to customize the appearance of the "hours" component while maintaining consistency with the shared styles. Advanced Select Options
:styles.customSelect.minutes Defines additional styling configurations specifically for the "minutes" instance of the Advanced Custom Select. These options are combined with the styles.customSelect.shared settings, allowing you to customize the appearance of the "minutes" component while maintaining consistency with the shared styles. Advanced Select Options
:styles.customSelect.meridiem Defines additional styling configurations specifically for the "meridiem" instance of the Advanced Custom Select. These options are combined with the styles.customSelect.shared settings, allowing you to customize the appearance of the "meridiem" component while maintaining consistency with the shared styles. Advanced Select Options
:templates.time allows to define a custom HTML template for rendering the time selection interface within the datepicker. string
:templates.arrowPrev allows to define a custom HTML template for the "previous" navigation arrow in the datepicker. string
:templates.arrowNext allows to define a custom HTML template for the "next" navigation arrow in the datepicker. string

Tailwind Modifiers

Name Description
hs-vc-date-today:* A modifier that applies Tailwind classes to the current date (marked as "today") using the attribute data-vc-date-today.
hs-vc-date-selected:* A modifier that applies Tailwind classes to the selected dates using the attribute data-vc-date-selected.
hs-vc-date-weekend:* A modifier that applies Tailwind classes to weekend dates using the attribute data-vc-date-weekend.
hs-vc-week-day-off:* A modifier that applies Tailwind classes to weekdays marked as "day off" using the attribute data-vc-week-day-off.
hs-vc-date-month-prev:* A modifier that applies Tailwind classes to dates belonging to the previous month using the class data-vc-date-month="prev".
hs-vc-date-month-next:* A modifier that applies Tailwind classes to dates belonging to the next month using the attribute data-vc-date-month="next".
hs-vc-calendar-selected-middle:* A modifier that applies Tailwind classes to dates that are in the middle of a selected range using the attribute data-vc-date-selected="middle".
hs-vc-calendar-selected-first:* A modifier that applies Tailwind classes to the first date in a selected range using the attribute data-vc-date-selected="first".
hs-vc-calendar-selected-last:* A modifier that applies Tailwind classes to the last date in a selected range using the attribute data-vc-date-selected="last".
hs-vc-months-month-selected:* A modifier that applies Tailwind classes to the currently selected month using the attribute data-vc-months-month-selected.
hs-vc-years-year-selected:* A modifier that applies Tailwind classes to the currently selected year using the attribute data-vc-years-year-selected.


Vanilla Calendar Pro

Please note that this component requires the use of the Vanilla Calendar Pro plugin. Most methods available in the plugin are available in our wrapper.

The HSDatepicker object is contained within the global window object

Method Description
Public methods
getCurrentState() Returns an object containing the following details:
  • selectedDates: an array of currently selected dates in the datepicker
  • selectedTime: the currently selected time, if the time selection is enabled
This method is useful for accessing the current selections made by the user, allowing integration with other components or further processing based on the selected values.
Static methods
HSDatepicker.getInstance(target, isInstance) Returns the element associated to the target.
  • target should be a Node or string (valid selector)
  • isInstance boolean. Returns the instance instead of Node if true

Get current state.

                        const form = document.querySelector('#subscription-form');

                        form.addEventListener('submit', (evt) => {

                          const { element } = HSDatepicker.getInstance('#datepicker', true);
                          const { selectedDates, selectedTime } = element.getCurrentState();

                          const formData = new FormData(event.target);
                          const serializedData = Object.fromEntries(formData.entries());
                          serializedData.selectedDates = selectedDates;
                          serializedData.selectedTime = selectedTime;
                          fetch('/submit', {
                            method: 'POST',
                            headers: {
                              'Content-Type': 'application/json'
                            body: JSON.stringify(serializedData)
                            .then((response) => response.json())
                            .then((data) => {
                              console.log('Success:', data);
                            .catch((error) => {
                              console.error('Error:', error);


Method Description Returning value
on:change Called when one or more dates are selected.
  selectedDates: string;
  selectedTime: string;
  rest: Object;

When select changes event example.

                        const { element } = HSDatepicker.getInstance('#datepicker', true);

                        element.on('change', (data) => {...});


Vanilla Calendar Pro

Please note that this component requires the use of the Vanilla Calendar Pro plugin. Most actions available in the plugin are available in our wrapper.

When change month arrow was clicked.

                        const datepicker = new HSDatepicker(document.querySelector('#datepicker'), {
                          onClickArrow: () => {
                            alert('Arrow clicked!');

Demo examples

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