1. Plugins
  2. Layout Splitter


Tailwind CSS Layout Splitter

Customize your layout effortlessly by adjusting block sizes to your preference with Tailwind CSS Layout Splitters.

Layout Splitter


To get started, install Layout Splitter plugin via npm, else you can skip this step if you are already using Preline UI as a package.

                        npm i @preline/layout-splitter


Basic demo with horizontal blocks.


Basic usage

Prefer to create your own style? Here is a completely unstylized example.

                        <div data-hs-layout-splitter='{
                          "horizontalSplitterTemplate": "<div><span class=\"absolute top-1/2 start-1/2 -translate-x-2/4 -translate-y-2/4 block w-[11px] h-[20px] bg-gray-400\"></span></div>",
                          "horizontalSplitterClasses": "relative flex border-s border-gray-200"
                          <div class="flex h-[200px]" data-hs-layout-splitter-horizontal-group>
                            <div class="h-full" data-hs-layout-splitter-item="48.2">Horizontal Block 1</div>
                            <div class="h-full" data-hs-layout-splitter-item="30.0">Horizontal Block 2</div>

Data Options

Name Description Options Default value
data-hs-layout-splitter Activate a Layout Splitter by specifying on an element. Should be added to the container.
:horizontalSplitterTemplate Defines the horizontal splitter template. string
:horizontalSplitterClasses Defines the horizontal splitter CSS classes. string
:verticalSplitterTemplate Defines the vertical splitter template. string
:verticalSplitterClasses Defines the vertical splitter CSS classes. string
data-hs-layout-splitter-horizontal-group Defines a group of elements with horizontal resizable blocks.
data-hs-layout-splitter-vertical-group Defines a group of elements with vertical resizable blocks.
data-hs-layout-splitter-item Defines a block that can be resized depending on what group it is in. Also accepts a float number as a value to specify the initial width or height of the element. float | object
:dynamicSize Defines the initialized block size.. float
:minSize Defines the size at which further narrowing of the block will be prevented. float
:preLimitSize Determines the size at which the onPrevPreLimit event will be called. For example, on this event you can add specific classes to the block to the right or left of the divider. float


The HSLayoutSplitter object is contained within the global window object

Method Description
Public methods
getSplitterItemSingleParam(item, name) Retrieves the value of a specific parameter (name) from the data attribute of a splitter item (item). The parameter is extracted from the parsed JSON object stored in the data-hs-layout-splitter-item attribute.
  • item the splitter item element.
  • name the name of the parameter to retrieve (e.g. dynamicSize, minSize, preLimitSize).
getData(el) Retrieves detailed information about a splitter item, including its current size, minimum size, and pre-limit size, both in pixels and flex values. The method returns a structured object containing the extracted data.
  • el the splitter item element for which data is retrieved.
setSplitterItemSize(el, size) Updates the size of a specified splitter item (el) to the given value (size). The new size is converted into a flex value and applied to the element. The method also updates the corresponding data attribute (data-hs-layout-splitter-item).
  • el the splitter item element to resize.
  • size the desired size of the splitter item as a percentage of the total container size.
updateFlexValues(data) Updates the flex values of splitter items based on the provided configuration. Each configuration object specifies an element's ID and its size values for different screen widths (breakpoints). The method dynamically adjusts the flex values of the specified elements to match the current screen width.
  • data an array of configuration objects, each containing:
    • id the ID of the splitter item element.
    • breakpoints an object mapping screen widths (breakpoints) to flex values.
destroy() Cleans up and removes all event listeners, styles, and data attributes associated with the layout splitter. This method restores the affected elements to their original state and releases resources.
Static methods
HSLayoutSplitter.getInstance(target, isInstance) Returns the element associated to the target.
  • target should be a Node or string (valid selector)
  • isInstance boolean. Returns the instance instead of Node if true
HSLayoutSplitter.autoInit() Reinitializes all Layout Splitter on the page.

Set different size on window resize.

                        let layoutSplitter = HSLayoutSplitter.getInstance('#layout-splitter', true);
                        const updateLayoutSplitter = (splitter) => {
                              id: "section-01",
                              breakpoints: {
                                "0": 0,
                                "1280": 15.0
                              id: "section-02",
                              breakpoints: {
                                "0": 0,
                                "1024": 25.4,
                                "1280": 21.0
                              id: "section-03",
                              breakpoints: {
                                "0": 100,
                                "1024": 74.6,
                                "1280": 64.0

                        window.addEventListener('resize', () => {
                          if (layoutSplitter) updateLayoutSplitter(layoutSplitter.element);

Get instance by ID.

                        const layoutSplitter = new HSLayoutSplitter(document.querySelector('#layout-splitter'));

                        console.log("Instance:", layoutSplitter);


Method Description Returned value
on:drag Called when the splitter is dragged.
  prev: HTMLElement,
  next: HTMLElement,
  previousSize: number,
  previousFlexSize: number,
  nextSize: number,
  nextFlexSize: number
on:onPrevLimit Called when the previous section size limit is reached. Previous element
on:onPrevPreLimit Called when the size of the previous section is less than the value of the preLimitSize parameter. Previous element
on:onNextLimit Called when the next section size limit is reached. Next element
on:onNextPreLimit Called when the size of the next section is less than the value of the preLimitSize parameter. Next element

Adds classes that can be useful when you need to minimize the sidebar.

                        const { element } = HSLayoutSplitter.getInstance('#layout-splitter', true);

                        element.on('onPrevLimit', (prev) => {

                        element.on('onPrevPreLimit', (prev) => {

                        element.on('drag', ({ prev, previousFlexSize }) => {
                          if (previousFlexSize > 10) {
                          if (previousFlexSize > 20) {

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