Add/Create Forms
Visually captivating experiences with admin forms, WYSIWYG editor, date picker, create content and more.
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<div class="k6244 flex clmee">
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<div class="btpiv">
<h1 class="u2ysm ck20m b7vor dark:text-neutral-200">
Create new user
<p class="hac7f oxyct dark:text-neutral-500">
Create a new user account for your system.
<!-- End Header -->
<!-- Card -->
<div class="v869m dpq4d a11ya k8i8d it6u8 dark:bg-neutral-800 dark:border-neutral-700">
<div class="fuiju uyn4w iv41c">
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<!-- End Col -->
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<!-- Logo Upload Group -->
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Upload photo
<!-- End Logo Upload Group -->
<!-- End Col -->
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<div class="cwrq4 ktjle bgnon dkjki lfptd">
<div class="u2bzw">
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<div class="pzbob">
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<!-- End Col -->
<!-- End Grid -->
<!-- Grid -->
<div class="cwrq4 ktjle bgnon dkjki lfptd">
<div class="u2bzw">
<label for="hs-pro-daufnm" class="zt4us dxkem hac7f oxyct dark:text-neutral-500">
<!-- End Col -->
<div class="pzbob">
<input id="hs-pro-daufem" type="email" class="fuiju tm5do block w-full a11ya xroga hac7f mryrt yjgee pnxyx oekgx z50zr dark:bg-transparent dark:border-neutral-700 dark:text-neutral-300 dark:placeholder:text-white/60 dark:focus:ring-neutral-600" placeholder="" value=" ">
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<div class="u2bzw">
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<div class="pzbob">
<div id="hs-wrapper-for-copy" class="hij2j">
<div id="hs-content-for-copy" class="cwrq4 icplk ciztt">
<div class="pgvne">
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<div class="bwfd0">
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<!-- Add Phone -->
<p class="aruu0 zcum7">
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"targetSelector": "#hs-content-for-copy",
"wrapperSelector": "#hs-wrapper-for-copy",
"limit": 3
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Add phone
<!-- End Add Phone -->
<!-- End Col -->
<!-- End Grid -->
<!-- Grid -->
<div class="cwrq4 ktjle bgnon dkjki lfptd">
<div class="u2bzw">
<label for="hs-pro-daufad" class="zt4us dxkem hac7f oxyct dark:text-neutral-500">
<!-- End Col -->
<div class="pzbob hij2j">
<div class="hij2j">
<input id="hs-pro-daufad" type="text" class="fuiju tm5do block w-full a11ya xroga hac7f mryrt yjgee pnxyx oekgx z50zr dark:bg-transparent dark:border-neutral-700 dark:text-neutral-300 dark:placeholder:text-white/60 dark:focus:ring-neutral-600" placeholder="Street" value=" ">
<input type="text" class="fuiju tm5do block w-full a11ya xroga hac7f mryrt yjgee pnxyx oekgx z50zr dark:bg-transparent dark:border-neutral-700 dark:text-neutral-300 dark:placeholder:text-white/60 dark:focus:ring-neutral-600" placeholder="Street line 2 (Optional)">
<div class="cwrq4 uqcx1 clmee">
<input type="text" class="fuiju tm5do block w-full a11ya xroga hac7f mryrt yjgee pnxyx oekgx z50zr dark:bg-transparent dark:border-neutral-700 dark:text-neutral-300 dark:placeholder:text-white/60 dark:focus:ring-neutral-600" placeholder="City" value=" ">
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<!-- Select -->
<div class="relative">
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"placeholder": "Country",
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"searchClasses": "block w-full hac7f a11ya xroga yjgee pnxyx dark:bg-neutral-900 dark:border-neutral-700 dark:text-neutral-400 dark:placeholder:text-neutral-400 fuiju tm5do",
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"dropdownClasses": "rvdee mu3xt fji7p z9rsz rxg3f w-full vlqzh w56at v869m it6u8 shadow-[0_10px_40px_10px_rgba(0,0,0,0.08)] ixhii el1lk my2de peqgl dark:[&::-webkit-scrollbar-track]:bg-neutral-700 dark:[&::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb]:bg-neutral-500 dark:bg-neutral-900",
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"optionTemplate": "<div><div class=\"flex items-center \"><div class=\"rznfr \" data-icon></div><div class=\"b7vor dark:text-neutral-200 \" data-title></div></div></div>",
"preventSearchFocus": false,
"viewport": "#hs-pro-create-new-user"
}' class="hidden">
<option value="">Choose</option>
<option value="AF" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/af.png\" alt=\"Afghanistan\" />"}'>
<option value="AX" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ax.png\" alt=\"Aland Islands\" />"}'>
Aland Islands
<option value="AL" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/al.png\" alt=\"Albania\" />"}'>
<option value="DZ" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/dz.png\" alt=\"Algeria\" />"}'>
<option value="AS" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/as.png\" alt=\"American Samoa\" />"}'>
American Samoa
<option value="AD" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ad.png\" alt=\"Andorra\" />"}'>
<option value="AO" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ao.png\" alt=\"Angola\" />"}'>
<option value="AI" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ai.png\" alt=\"Anguilla\" />"}'>
<option value="AG" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ag.png\" alt=\"Antigua and Barbuda\" />"}'>
Antigua and Barbuda
<option value="AR" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ar.png\" alt=\"Argentina\" />"}'>
<option value="AM" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/am.png\" alt=\"Armenia\" />"}'>
<option value="AW" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/aw.png\" alt=\"Aruba\" />"}'>
<option value="AU" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/au.png\" alt=\"Australia\" />"}'>
<option value="AT" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/at.png\" alt=\"Austria\" />"}'>
<option value="AZ" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/az.png\" alt=\"Azerbaijan\" />"}'>
<option value="BS" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/bs.png\" alt=\"Bahamas\" />"}'>
<option value="BH" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/bh.png\" alt=\"Bahrain\" />"}'>
<option value="BD" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/bd.png\" alt=\"Bangladesh\" />"}'>
<option value="BB" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/bb.png\" alt=\"Barbados\" />"}'>
<option value="BY" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/by.png\" alt=\"Belarus\" />"}'>
<option value="BE" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/be.png\" alt=\"Belgium\" />"}'>
<option value="BZ" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/bz.png\" alt=\"Belize\" />"}'>
<option value="BJ" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/bj.png\" alt=\"Benin\" />"}'>
<option value="BM" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/bm.png\" alt=\"Bermuda\" />"}'>
<option value="BT" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/bt.png\" alt=\"Bhutan\" />"}'>
<option value="BO" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/bo.png\" alt=\"Bolivia (Plurinational State of)\" />"}'>
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
<option value="BQ" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/bq.png\" alt=\"Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba\" />"}'>
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba
<option value="BA" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ba.png\" alt=\"Bosnia and Herzegovina\" />"}'>
Bosnia and Herzegovina
<option value="BW" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/bw.png\" alt=\"Botswana\" />"}'>
<option value="BR" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/br.png\" alt=\"Brazil\" />"}'>
<option value="IO" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/io.png\" alt=\"British Indian Ocean Territory\" />"}'>
British Indian Ocean Territory
<option value="BN" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/bn.png\" alt=\"Brunei Darussalam\" />"}'>
Brunei Darussalam
<option value="BG" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/bg.png\" alt=\"Bulgaria\" />"}'>
<option value="BF" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/bf.png\" alt=\"Burkina Faso\" />"}'>
Burkina Faso
<option value="BI" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/bi.png\" alt=\"Burundi\" />"}'>
<option value="CV" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/cv.png\" alt=\"Cabo Verde\" />"}'>
Cabo Verde
<option value="KH" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/kh.png\" alt=\"Cambodia\" />"}'>
<option value="CM" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/cm.png\" alt=\"Cameroon\" />"}'>
<option value="CA" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ca.png\" alt=\"Canada\" />"}'>
<option value="KY" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ky.png\" alt=\"Cayman Islands\" />"}'>
Cayman Islands
<option value="CF" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/cf.png\" alt=\"Central African Republic\" />"}'>
Central African Republic
<option value="TD" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/td.png\" alt=\"Chad\" />"}'>
<option value="CL" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/cl.png\" alt=\"Chile\" />"}'>
<option value="CN" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/cn.png\" alt=\"China\" />"}'>
<option value="CX" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/cx.png\" alt=\"Christmas Island\" />"}'>
Christmas Island
<option value="CC" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/cc.png\" alt=\"Cocos (Keeling) Islands\" />"}'>
Cocos (Keeling) Islands
<option value="CO" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/co.png\" alt=\"Colombia\" />"}'>
<option value="KM" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/km.png\" alt=\"Comoros\" />"}'>
<option value="CK" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ck.png\" alt=\"Cook Islands\" />"}'>
Cook Islands
<option value="CR" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/cr.png\" alt=\"Costa Rica\" />"}'>
Costa Rica
<option value="HR" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/hr.png\" alt=\"Croatia\" />"}'>
<option value="CU" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/cu.png\" alt=\"Cuba\" />"}'>
<option value="CW" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/cw.png\" alt=\"Curaçao\" />"}'>
<option value="CY" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/cy.png\" alt=\"Cyprus\" />"}'>
<option value="CZ" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/cz.png\" alt=\"Czech Republic\" />"}'>
Czech Republic
<option value="CI" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ci.png\" alt=Côte dIvoire\" />"}'>
Côte dIvoire
<option value="CD" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/cd.png\" alt=\"Democratic Republic of the Congo\" />"}'>
Democratic Republic of the Congo
<option value="DK" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/dk.png\" alt=\"Denmark\" />"}'>
<option value="DJ" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/dj.png\" alt=\"Djibouti\" />"}'>
<option value="DM" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/dm.png\" alt=\"Dominica\" />"}'>
<option value="DO" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/do.png\" alt=\"Dominican Republic\" />"}'>
Dominican Republic
<option value="EC" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ec.png\" alt=\"Ecuador\" />"}'>
<option value="EG" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/eg.png\" alt=\"Egypt\" />"}'>
<option value="SV" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/sv.png\" alt=\"El Salvador\" />"}'>
El Salvador
<option value="GB-ENG" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/gb.png\" alt=\"England\" />"}'>
<option value="GQ" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/gq.png\" alt=\"Equatorial Guinea\" />"}'>
Equatorial Guinea
<option value="ER" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/er.png\" alt=\"Eritrea\" />"}'>
<option value="EE" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ee.png\" alt=\"Estonia\" />"}'>
<option value="ET" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/et.png\" alt=\"Ethiopia\" />"}'>
<option value="FK" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/fk.png\" alt=\"Falkland Islands\" />"}'>
Falkland Islands
<option value="FO" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/fo.png\" alt=\"Faroe Islands\" />"}'>
Faroe Islands
<option value="FM" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/fm.png\" alt=\"Federated States of Micronesia\" />"}'>
Federated States of Micronesia
<option value="FJ" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/fj.png\" alt=\"Fiji\" />"}'>
<option value="FI" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/fi.png\" alt=\"Finland\" />"}'>
<option value="FR" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/fr.png\" alt=\"France\" />"}'>
<option value="GF" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/gf.png\" alt=\"French Guiana\" />"}'>
French Guiana
<option value="PF" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/pf.png\" alt=\"French Polynesia\" />"}'>
French Polynesia
<option value="TF" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/tf.png\" alt=\"French Southern Territories\" />"}'>
French Southern Territories
<option value="GA" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ga.png\" alt=\"Gabon\" />"}'>
<option value="GM" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/gm.png\" alt=\"Gambia\" />"}'>
<option value="GE" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ge.png\" alt=\"Georgia\" />"}'>
<option value="DE" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/de.png\" alt=\"Germany\" />"}'>
<option value="GH" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/gh.png\" alt=\"Ghana\" />"}'>
<option value="GI" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/gi.png\" alt=\"Gibraltar\" />"}'>
<option value="GR" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/gr.png\" alt=\"Greece\" />"}'>
<option value="GL" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/gl.png\" alt=\"Greenland\" />"}'>
<option value="GD" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/gd.png\" alt=\"Grenada\" />"}'>
<option value="GP" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/gp.png\" alt=\"Guadeloupe\" />"}'>
<option value="GU" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/gu.png\" alt=\"Guam\" />"}'>
<option value="GT" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/gt.png\" alt=\"Guatemala\" />"}'>
<option value="GG" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/gg.png\" alt=\"Guernsey\" />"}'>
<option value="GN" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/gn.png\" alt=\"Guinea\" />"}'>
<option value="GW" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/gw.png\" alt=\"Guinea-Bissau\" />"}'>
<option value="GY" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/gy.png\" alt=\"Guyana\" />"}'>
<option value="HT" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ht.png\" alt=\"Haiti\" />"}'>
<option value="VA" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/va.png\" alt=\"Holy See\" />"}'>
Holy See
<option value="HN" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/hn.png\" alt=\"Honduras\" />"}'>
<option value="HK" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/hk.png\" alt=\"Hong Kong\" />"}'>
Hong Kong
<option value="HU" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/hu.png\" alt=\"Hungary\" />"}'>
<option value="IS" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/is.png\" alt=\"Iceland\" />"}'>
<option value="IN" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/in.png\" alt=\"India\" />"}'>
<option value="ID" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/id.png\" alt=\"Indonesia\" />"}'>
<option value="IR" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ir.png\" alt=\"Iran (Islamic Republic of)\" />"}'>
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
<option value="IQ" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/iq.png\" alt=\"Iraq\" />"}'>
<option value="IE" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ie.png\" alt=\"Ireland\" />"}'>
<option value="IM" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/im.png\" alt=\"Isle of Man\" />"}'>
Isle of Man
<option value="IL" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/il.png\" alt=\"Israel\" />"}'>
<option value="IT" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/it.png\" alt=\"Italy\" />"}'>
<option value="JM" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/jm.png\" alt=\"Jamaica\" />"}'>
<option value="JP" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/jp.png\" alt=\"Japan\" />"}'>
<option value="JE" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/je.png\" alt=\"Jersey\" />"}'>
<option value="JO" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/jo.png\" alt=\"Jordan\" />"}'>
<option value="KZ" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/kz.png\" alt=\"Kazakhstan\" />"}'>
<option value="KE" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ke.png\" alt=\"Kenya\" />"}'>
<option value="KI" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ki.png\" alt=\"Kiribati\" />"}'>
<option value="KW" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/kw.png\" alt=\"Kuwait\" />"}'>
<option value="KG" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/kg.png\" alt=\"Kyrgyzstan\" />"}'>
<option value="LA" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/la.png\" alt=\"Laos\" />"}'>
<option value="LV" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/lv.png\" alt=\"Latvia\" />"}'>
<option value="LB" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/lb.png\" alt=\"Lebanon\" />"}'>
<option value="LS" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ls.png\" alt=\"Lesotho\" />"}'>
<option value="LR" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/lr.png\" alt=\"Liberia\" />"}'>
<option value="LY" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ly.png\" alt=\"Libya\" />"}'>
<option value="LI" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/li.png\" alt=\"Liechtenstein\" />"}'>
<option value="LT" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/lt.png\" alt=\"Lithuania\" />"}'>
<option value="LU" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/lu.png\" alt=\"Luxembourg\" />"}'>
<option value="MO" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/mo.png\" alt=\"Macau\" />"}'>
<option value="MG" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/mg.png\" alt=\"Madagascar\" />"}'>
<option value="MW" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/mw.png\" alt=\"Malawi\" />"}'>
<option value="MY" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/my.png\" alt=\"Malaysia\" />"}'>
<option value="MV" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/mv.png\" alt=\"Maldives\" />"}'>
<option value="ML" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ml.png\" alt=\"Mali\" />"}'>
<option value="MT" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/mt.png\" alt=\"Malta\" />"}'>
<option value="MH" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/mh.png\" alt=\"Marshall Islands\" />"}'>
Marshall Islands
<option value="MQ" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/mq.png\" alt=\"Martinique\" />"}'>
<option value="MR" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/mr.png\" alt=\"Mauritania\" />"}'>
<option value="MU" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/mu.png\" alt=\"Mauritius\" />"}'>
<option value="YT" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/yt.png\" alt=\"Mayotte\" />"}'>
<option value="MX" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/mx.png\" alt=\"Mexico\" />"}'>
<option value="MD" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/md.png\" alt=\"Moldova\" />"}'>
<option value="MC" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/mc.png\" alt=\"Monaco\" />"}'>
<option value="MN" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/mn.png\" alt=\"Mongolia\" />"}'>
<option value="ME" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/me.png\" alt=\"Montenegro\" />"}'>
<option value="MS" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ms.png\" alt=\"Montserrat\" />"}'>
<option value="MA" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ma.png\" alt=\"Morocco\" />"}'>
<option value="MZ" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/mz.png\" alt=\"Mozambique\" />"}'>
<option value="MM" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/mm.png\" alt=\"Myanmar\" />"}'>
<option value="NA" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/na.png\" alt=\"Namibia\" />"}'>
<option value="NR" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/nr.png\" alt=\"Nauru\" />"}'>
<option value="NP" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/np.png\" alt=\"Nepal\" />"}'>
<option value="NL" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/nl.png\" alt=\"Netherlands\" />"}'>
<option value="NC" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/nc.png\" alt=\"New Caledonia\" />"}'>
New Caledonia
<option value="NZ" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/nz.png\" alt=\"New Zealand\" />"}'>
New Zealand
<option value="NI" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ni.png\" alt=\"Nicaragua\" />"}'>
<option value="NE" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ne.png\" alt=\"Niger\" />"}'>
<option value="NG" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ng.png\" alt=\"Nigeria\" />"}'>
<option value="NU" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/nu.png\" alt=\"Niue\" />"}'>
<option value="NF" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/nf.png\" alt=\"Norfolk Island\" />"}'>
Norfolk Island
<option value="KP" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/kp.png\" alt=\"North Korea\" />"}'>
North Korea
<option value="MK" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/mk.png\" alt=\"North Macedonia\" />"}'>
North Macedonia
<option value="GB-NIR" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/gb.png\" alt=\"Northern Ireland\" />"}'>
Northern Ireland
<option value="MP" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/mp.png\" alt=\"Northern Mariana Islands\" />"}'>
Northern Mariana Islands
<option value="NO" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/no.png\" alt=\"Norway\" />"}'>
<option value="OM" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/om.png\" alt=\"Oman\" />"}'>
<option value="PK" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/pk.png\" alt=\"Pakistan\" />"}'>
<option value="PW" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/pw.png\" alt=\"Palau\" />"}'>
<option value="PA" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/pa.png\" alt=\"Panama\" />"}'>
<option value="PG" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/pg.png\" alt=\"Papua New Guinea\" />"}'>
Papua New Guinea
<option value="PY" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/py.png\" alt=\"Paraguay\" />"}'>
<option value="PE" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/pe.png\" alt=\"Peru\" />"}'>
<option value="PH" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ph.png\" alt=\"Philippines\" />"}'>
<option value="PN" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/pn.png\" alt=\"Pitcairn\" />"}'>
<option value="PL" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/pl.png\" alt=\"Poland\" />"}'>
<option value="PT" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/pt.png\" alt=\"Portugal\" />"}'>
<option value="PR" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/pr.png\" alt=\"Puerto Rico\" />"}'>
Puerto Rico
<option value="QA" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/qa.png\" alt=\"Qatar\" />"}'>
<option value="CG" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/cg.png\" alt=\"Republic of the Congo\" />"}'>
Republic of the Congo
<option value="RO" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ro.png\" alt=\"Romania\" />"}'>
<option value="RU" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ru.png\" alt=\"Russia\" />"}'>
<option value="RW" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/rw.png\" alt=\"Rwanda\" />"}'>
<option value="RE" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/re.png\" alt=\"Réunion\" />"}'>
<option value="BL" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/bl.png\" alt=\"Saint Barthélemy\" />"}'>
Saint Barthélemy
<option value="SH" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/sh.png\" alt=\"Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha\" />"}'>
Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
<option value="KN" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/kn.png\" alt=\"Saint Kitts and Nevis\" />"}'>
Saint Kitts and Nevis
<option value="LC" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/lc.png\" alt=\"Saint Lucia\" />"}'>
Saint Lucia
<option value="MF" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/mf.png\" alt=\"Saint Martin\" />"}'>
Saint Martin
<option value="PM" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/pm.png\" alt=\"Saint Pierre and Miquelon\" />"}'>
Saint Pierre and Miquelon
<option value="VC" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/vc.png\" alt=\"Saint Vincent and the Grenadines\" />"}'>
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
<option value="WS" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ws.png\" alt=\"Samoa\" />"}'>
<option value="SM" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/sm.png\" alt=\"San Marino\" />"}'>
San Marino
<option value="ST" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/st.png\" alt=\"Sao Tome and Principe\" />"}'>
Sao Tome and Principe
<option value="SA" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/sa.png\" alt=\"Saudi Arabia\" />"}'>
Saudi Arabia
<option value="GB-SCT" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/gb.png\" alt=\"Scotland\" />"}'>
<option value="SN" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/sn.png\" alt=\"Senegal\" />"}'>
<option value="RS" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/rs.png\" alt=\"Serbia\" />"}'>
<option value="SC" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/sc.png\" alt=\"Seychelles\" />"}'>
<option value="SL" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/sl.png\" alt=\"Sierra Leone\" />"}'>
Sierra Leone
<option value="SG" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/sg.png\" alt=\"Singapore\" />"}'>
<option value="SX" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/sx.png\" alt=\"Sint Maarten\" />"}'>
Sint Maarten
<option value="SK" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/sk.png\" alt=\"Slovakia\" />"}'>
<option value="SI" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/si.png\" alt=\"Slovenia\" />"}'>
<option value="SB" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/sb.png\" alt=\"Solomon Islands\" />"}'>
Solomon Islands
<option value="SO" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/so.png\" alt=\"Somalia\" />"}'>
<option value="ZA" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/za.png\" alt=\"South Africa\" />"}'>
South Africa
<option value="GS" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/gs.png\" alt=\"South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands\" />"}'>
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
<option value="KR" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/kr.png\" alt=\"South Korea\" />"}'>
South Korea
<option value="SS" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ss.png\" alt=\"South Sudan\" />"}'>
South Sudan
<option value="ES" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/es.png\" alt=\"Spain\" />"}'>
<option value="LK" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/lk.png\" alt=\"Sri Lanka\" />"}'>
Sri Lanka
<option value="PS" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ps.png\" alt=\"State of Palestine\" />"}'>
State of Palestine
<option value="SD" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/sd.png\" alt=\"Sudan\" />"}'>
<option value="SR" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/sr.png\" alt=\"Suriname\" />"}'>
<option value="SJ" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/sj.png\" alt=\"Svalbard and Jan Mayen\" />"}'>
Svalbard and Jan Mayen
<option value="SZ" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/sz.png\" alt=\"Swaziland\" />"}'>
<option value="SE" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/se.png\" alt=\"Sweden\" />"}'>
<option value="CH" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ch.png\" alt=\"Switzerland\" />"}'>
<option value="SY" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/sy.png\" alt=\"Syrian Arab Republic\" />"}'>
Syrian Arab Republic
<option value="TW" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/tw.png\" alt=\"Taiwan\" />"}'>
<option value="TJ" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/tj.png\" alt=\"Tajikistan\" />"}'>
<option value="TZ" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/tz.png\" alt=\"Tanzania\" />"}'>
<option value="TH" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/th.png\" alt=\"Thailand\" />"}'>
<option value="TL" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/tl.png\" alt=\"Timor-Leste\" />"}'>
<option value="TG" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/tg.png\" alt=\"Togo\" />"}'>
<option value="TK" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/tk.png\" alt=\"Tokelau\" />"}'>
<option value="TO" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/to.png\" alt=\"Tonga\" />"}'>
<option value="TT" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/tt.png\" alt=\"Trinidad and Tobago\" />"}'>
Trinidad and Tobago
<option value="TN" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/tn.png\" alt=\"Tunisia\" />"}'>
<option value="TR" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/tr.png\" alt=\"Turkey\" />"}'>
<option value="TM" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/tm.png\" alt=\"Turkmenistan\" />"}'>
<option value="TC" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/tc.png\" alt=\"Turks and Caicos Islands\" />"}'>
Turks and Caicos Islands
<option value="TV" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/tv.png\" alt=\"Tuvalu\" />"}'>
<option value="UG" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ug.png\" alt=\"Uganda\" />"}'>
<option value="UA" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ua.png\" alt=\"Ukraine\" />"}'>
<option value="AE" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ae.png\" alt=\"United Arab Emirates\" />"}'>
United Arab Emirates
<option value="GB" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/gb.png\" alt=\"United Kingdom\" />"}'>
United Kingdom
<option value="UM" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/um.png\" alt=\"United States Minor Outlying Islands\" />"}'>
United States Minor Outlying Islands
<option value="US" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/us.png\" alt=\"United States of America\" />"}'>
United States of America
<option value="UY" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/uy.png\" alt=\"Uruguay\" />"}'>
<option value="UZ" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/uz.png\" alt=\"Uzbekistan\" />"}'>
<option value="VU" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/vu.png\" alt=\"Vanuatu\" />"}'>
<option value="VE" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ve.png\" alt=\"Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)\" />"}'>
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
<option value="VN" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/vn.png\" alt=\"Vietnam\" />"}'>
<option value="VG" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/vg.png\" alt=\"Virgin Islands (British)\" />"}'>
Virgin Islands (British)
<option value="VI" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/vi.png\" alt=\"Virgin Islands (U.S.)\" />"}'>
Virgin Islands (U.S.)
<option value="GB-WLS" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/gb.png\" alt=\"Wales\" />"}'>
<option value="WF" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/wf.png\" alt=\"Wallis and Futuna\" />"}'>
Wallis and Futuna
<option value="EH" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/eh.png\" alt=\"Western Sahara\" />"}'>
Western Sahara
<option value="YE" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ye.png\" alt=\"Yemen\" />"}'>
<option value="ZM" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/zm.png\" alt=\"Zambia\" />"}'>
<option value="ZW" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/zw.png\" alt=\"Zimbabwe\" />"}'>
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"viewport": "#hs-create-event"
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<option value="">Choose</option>
<option selected>10:00AM</option>
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Thu, Jan 2024
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<span class="zzrnr block ps4xk ivg4u oxyct dark:text-neutral-500">January 2024</span>
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Thu, Jan 2024
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<span class="yps74">Time Zone:</span>
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<span class="yps74">Participants:</span>
<div class="m7atb relative o9h62 le8vc pn7qd c5n7i x9v1s before:w-[calc(100%-8px)] yb26d e6jkf dark:before:bg-white/10">
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<span class="yps74">Video Conferencing:</span>
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<span class="yps74">Description:</span>
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<span class="yps74">URL:</span>
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<span class="yps74">Attachment:</span>
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ajrvm uh3ef vntxj
am8u8 t5lxr
okn53 kolay
mvovg kmj5b
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<span class="yps74">Assignee:</span>
<div class="m7atb relative o9h62 le8vc pn7qd c5n7i x9v1s before:w-[calc(100%-8px)] yb26d e6jkf dark:before:bg-white/10">
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James Collins
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<!-- End Radio -->
<!-- Radio -->
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Preline tasks
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<!-- End Radio -->
<!-- Radio -->
<label for="hs-pro-crcema3" class="r3twx iv41c group flex wwu1y v3ki5 cursor-pointer vqur1 b7vor ql6ky dark:text-neutral-200 dark:hover:bg-neutral-800 dark:focus:bg-neutral-800">
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Performance Tasks
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<!-- End Radio -->
<div class="mu3xt z9rsz">
<span class="f0q0d ps4xk oxyct dark:text-neutral-400">
<!-- Radio -->
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<!-- End Radio -->
<!-- End Dropdown -->
<!-- End Assignee Dropdown -->
<!-- Assignee Color Dropdown -->
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<div class="mu3xt z9rsz">
<span class="f0q0d ps4xk oxyct dark:text-neutral-400">
Event color
<!-- Radio -->
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<!-- End Radio -->
<!-- Radio -->
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<!-- End Radio -->
<!-- Radio -->
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<!-- End Radio -->
<!-- Radio -->
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<!-- End Radio -->
<!-- Radio -->
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<!-- End Radio -->
<!-- Radio -->
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<!-- End Radio -->
<!-- Radio -->
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<!-- End Radio -->
<!-- End Dropdown -->
<!-- End Assignee Color Dropdown -->
<!-- Grid -->
<div class="cwrq4 uqcx1 items-center wwu1y">
<!-- Select -->
<div class="relative group">
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"placeholder": "Availability",
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"toggleClasses": "hs-select-disabled:pointer-events-none hs-select-disabled:opacity-50 relative eh7as iv41c w-full flex wwu1y i419g b7vor cursor-pointer v869m dpq4d rg6vy v3ki5 u4pm7 vqur1 viqq1 hover:focus:border-transparent sbnko tc0ip dark:bg-neutral-800 dark:hover:border-neutral-700 dark:text-neutral-200 dark:focus:outline-none dark:focus:bg-neutral-700",
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"optionClasses": "hs-selected:bg-gray-100 dark:hs-selected:bg-neutral-800 r3twx tm5do w-full vqur1 b7vor cursor-pointer ql6ky v3ki5 sbnko tc0ip dark:text-neutral-200 dark:hover:bg-neutral-800 dark:focus:bg-neutral-800",
"optionTemplate": "<div class=\"flex encm3 items-center w-full \"><span data-title></span><span class=\"hidden hs-selected:block \"><svg class=\"vpbnr fwnpl b7vor dark:text-neutral-200 \" xmlns=\"\" width=\"24\" height=\"24\" viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" fill=\"none\" stroke=\"currentColor\" stroke-width=\"2\" stroke-linecap=\"round\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\"><polyline points=\"20 6 9 17 4 12\"/></svg></span></div>",
"viewport": "#hs-modal-create-event"
}' class="hidden">
<option value="">Choose</option>
<option selected>Busy</option>
<div class="absolute onm4j wk9ov -translate-y-1/2 opacity-0 mu88d gkscm">
<svg class="vpbnr fwnpl pykwy dark:text-neutral-500" xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"><path d="m6 9 6 6 6-6"/></svg>
<!-- End Select -->
<!-- Select -->
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"toggleClasses": "hs-select-disabled:pointer-events-none hs-select-disabled:opacity-50 relative eh7as iv41c w-full flex wwu1y i419g b7vor cursor-pointer v869m dpq4d rg6vy v3ki5 u4pm7 vqur1 viqq1 hover:focus:border-transparent sbnko tc0ip dark:bg-neutral-800 dark:hover:border-neutral-700 dark:text-neutral-200 dark:focus:outline-none dark:focus:bg-neutral-700",
"dropdownClasses": "yvhh6 rxg3f w-full n1kdl mu3xt z9rsz vlqzh w56at v869m it6u8 shadow-[0_10px_40px_10px_rgba(0,0,0,0.08)] ixhii el1lk my2de peqgl dark:[&::-webkit-scrollbar-track]:bg-neutral-700 dark:[&::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb]:bg-neutral-500 dark:bg-neutral-900",
"optionClasses": "hs-selected:bg-gray-100 dark:hs-selected:bg-neutral-800 r3twx tm5do w-full vqur1 b7vor cursor-pointer ql6ky v3ki5 sbnko tc0ip dark:text-neutral-200 dark:hover:bg-neutral-800 dark:focus:bg-neutral-800",
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"viewport": "#hs-modal-create-event"
}' class="hidden">
<option value="">Choose</option>
<option selected>Default visibility</option>
<div class="absolute onm4j wk9ov -translate-y-1/2 opacity-0 mu88d gkscm">
<svg class="vpbnr fwnpl pykwy dark:text-neutral-500" xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"><path d="m6 9 6 6 6-6"/></svg>
<!-- End Select -->
<!-- End Grid -->
<!-- End Item -->
<!-- Item -->
<div class="dzjy8">
<label class="iq4yf flex q6rsd items-center c0yql vqur1 pykwy dark:text-neutral-500">
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<span class="yps74">Reminders:</span>
<div class="m7atb relative o9h62 le8vc pn7qd c5n7i x9v1s before:w-[calc(100%-8px)] yb26d e6jkf dark:before:bg-white/10">
<!-- Select -->
<div class="relative group">
<select data-hs-select='{
"placeholder": "Reminders",
"toggleTag": "<button type=\"button\" aria-expanded=\"false\"></button>",
"toggleClasses": "hs-select-disabled:pointer-events-none hs-select-disabled:opacity-50 relative eh7as iv41c w-full flex wwu1y i419g b7vor cursor-pointer v869m dpq4d rg6vy v3ki5 u4pm7 vqur1 viqq1 hover:focus:border-transparent sbnko tc0ip dark:bg-neutral-800 dark:hover:border-neutral-700 dark:text-neutral-200 dark:focus:outline-none dark:focus:bg-neutral-700",
"dropdownClasses": "yvhh6 rxg3f w-full n1kdl mu3xt z9rsz vlqzh w56at v869m it6u8 shadow-[0_10px_40px_10px_rgba(0,0,0,0.08)] ixhii el1lk my2de peqgl dark:[&::-webkit-scrollbar-track]:bg-neutral-700 dark:[&::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb]:bg-neutral-500 dark:bg-neutral-900",
"optionClasses": "hs-selected:bg-gray-100 dark:hs-selected:bg-neutral-800 r3twx tm5do w-full vqur1 b7vor cursor-pointer ql6ky v3ki5 sbnko tc0ip dark:text-neutral-200 dark:hover:bg-neutral-800 dark:focus:bg-neutral-800",
"optionTemplate": "<div class=\"flex encm3 items-center w-full \"><span data-title></span><span class=\"hidden hs-selected:block \"><svg class=\"vpbnr fwnpl b7vor dark:text-neutral-200 \" xmlns=\"\" width=\"24\" height=\"24\" viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" fill=\"none\" stroke=\"currentColor\" stroke-width=\"2\" stroke-linecap=\"round\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\"><polyline points=\"20 6 9 17 4 12\"/></svg></span></div>",
"viewport": "#hs-modal-create-event"
}' class="hidden">
<option value="">Choose</option>
<option>At the start of event</option>
<option>5 min before</option>
<option>10 min before</option>
<option selected>30 min before</option>
<option>1 hour before</option>
<div class="absolute onm4j wk9ov -translate-y-1/2 opacity-0 mu88d gkscm">
<svg class="vpbnr fwnpl pykwy dark:text-neutral-500" xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"><path d="m6 9 6 6 6-6"/></svg>
<!-- End Select -->
<!-- End Item -->
<!-- End Event List -->
<!-- End Body -->
<!-- Footer -->
<div class="fo082 flex qsj3b wwu1y">
<div class="mhlpb flex qsj3b items-center ciztt">
<button type="button" class="fuiju tm5do i419g xgqt9 q6rsd items-center u4pm7 v869m dpq4d a11ya b7vor hac7f ivg4u xroga k8i8d a2xg7 e1tdc oekgx z50zr dark:bg-neutral-800 dark:border-neutral-700 dark:text-neutral-300 dark:hover:bg-neutral-700 dark:focus:bg-neutral-700">
<button type="button" class="fuiju tm5do i419g xgqt9 q6rsd items-center wwu1y u4pm7 sh5ol dpq4d dbqf7 l6gz8 hac7f ivg4u xroga k8i8d a2xg7 a9sj1 oekgx z50zr sbnko g5wj4 v3p3o dark:focus:ring-blue-500">
Create event
<!-- End Footer -->
<!-- End Calendar Create Event Card -->
<!-- Calendar Edit Event Card -->
<div class="v869m dpq4d a11ya k8i8d it6u8 dark:bg-neutral-800 dark:border-neutral-700">
<!-- Header -->
<div class="v7jym cqbgq flex encm3 items-center x815m dark:border-neutral-700">
<h3 class="ivg4u b7vor dark:text-neutral-200">
Edit event
<!-- End Header -->
<!-- Body -->
<div class="fo082 hij2j">
<!-- Event List -->
<div class="cwrq4 icplk ciztt">
<!-- Item -->
<div class="dzjy8">
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<span class="yps74">Title</span>
<div class="m7atb">
<textarea id="hs-edit-event-title-autoheight-textarea" class="eh7as iv41c block w-full rg6vy v3ki5 vqur1 viqq1 mryrt ckigf oekgx z50zr tc0ip jl6q5 cdyuf dark:bg-neutral-800 dark:hover:border-neutral-700 dark:text-neutral-200 dark:placeholder:text-neutral-500 dark:focus:bg-neutral-700" rows="1" placeholder="Add title" data-hs-textarea-auto-height >Preline Q1 tasks review</textarea>
<!-- End Item -->
<!-- Item -->
<div class="dzjy8">
<label class="ioed1 flex q6rsd items-center c0yql vqur1 pykwy dark:text-neutral-500">
<svg class="vpbnr m5z5i" xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"><circle cx="12" cy="12" r="10"/><polyline points="12 6 12 12 16 14"/></svg>
<span class="yps74">Date & Time:</span>
<div class="m7atb">
<div class="ry1ws">
<!-- Grid -->
<div class="flex kwthp vele2 items-center qd2er dmkt4">
<div class="w-full u2bzw">
<!-- Select -->
<div class="relative group">
<select data-hs-select='{
"placeholder": "Start time",
"toggleTag": "<button type=\"button\" aria-expanded=\"false\"></button>",
"toggleClasses": "hs-select-disabled:pointer-events-none hs-select-disabled:opacity-50 relative eh7as cmd98 ae3ie w-full flex wwu1y i419g b7vor cursor-pointer v869m dpq4d rg6vy v3ki5 u4pm7 vqur1 viqq1 hover:focus:border-transparent sbnko tc0ip dark:bg-neutral-800 dark:hover:border-neutral-700 dark:text-neutral-200 dark:focus:outline-none dark:focus:bg-neutral-700",
"dropdownClasses": "yvhh6 rxg3f w-full n1kdl mu3xt z9rsz vlqzh w56at v869m it6u8 shadow-[0_10px_40px_10px_rgba(0,0,0,0.08)] ixhii el1lk my2de peqgl dark:[&::-webkit-scrollbar-track]:bg-neutral-700 dark:[&::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb]:bg-neutral-500 dark:bg-neutral-900",
"optionClasses": "hs-selected:bg-gray-100 dark:hs-selected:bg-neutral-800 r3twx tm5do w-full vqur1 b7vor cursor-pointer ql6ky v3ki5 sbnko tc0ip dark:text-neutral-200 dark:hover:bg-neutral-800 dark:focus:bg-neutral-800",
"optionTemplate": "<div class=\"flex encm3 items-center w-full \"><span data-title></span><span class=\"hidden hs-selected:block \"><svg class=\"vpbnr fwnpl b7vor dark:text-neutral-200 \" xmlns=\"\" width=\"24\" height=\"24\" viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" fill=\"none\" stroke=\"currentColor\" stroke-width=\"2\" stroke-linecap=\"round\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\"><polyline points=\"20 6 9 17 4 12\"/></svg></span></div>",
"viewport": "#hs-edit-event"
}' class="hidden">
<option value="">Choose</option>
<option selected>10:00AM</option>
<div class="absolute onm4j wk9ov -translate-y-1/2 opacity-0 mu88d gkscm">
<svg class="vpbnr fwnpl pykwy dark:text-neutral-500" xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"><path d="m6 9 6 6 6-6"/></svg>
<!-- End Select -->
<div class="w28rj">
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<div class="w-full u2bzw">
<!-- Select -->
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Thu, Jan 2024
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<div class="flex encm3 items-center qd2er mazvo">
<span class="zzrnr block ps4xk ivg4u oxyct dark:text-neutral-500">January 2024</span>
<div class="flex qsj3b items-center qd2er">
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<svg class="vpbnr fwnpl" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"><path d="m9 18 6-6-6-6"/></svg>
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<span class="ms6qs po4l8 block bx4k9 jx95r oxyct dark:text-neutral-500">
<span class="ms6qs po4l8 block bx4k9 jx95r oxyct dark:text-neutral-500">
<span class="ms6qs po4l8 block bx4k9 jx95r oxyct dark:text-neutral-500">
<span class="ms6qs po4l8 block bx4k9 jx95r oxyct dark:text-neutral-500">
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Thu, Jan 2024
<svg class="vpbnr fwnpl ut6p6 pykwy opacity-0 mu88d gkscm dark:text-neutral-500" xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"><path d="m6 9 6 6 6-6"/></svg>
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<!-- Months -->
<div class="flex encm3 items-center qd2er mazvo">
<span class="zzrnr block ps4xk ivg4u oxyct dark:text-neutral-500">January 2024</span>
<div class="flex qsj3b items-center qd2er">
<button type="button" class="ms6qs vugj6 flex q6rsd items-center oxyct rmq2c in0m6 a3ufl oekgx z50zr sbnko rahzd dark:text-neutral-500 dark:hover:bg-neutral-700 dark:focus:bg-neutral-700 dark:hover:text-neutral-200 dark:focus:text-neutral-200" aria-label="Previous">
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<svg class="vpbnr fwnpl" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"><path d="m9 18 6-6-6-6"/></svg>
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<span class="ms6qs po4l8 block bx4k9 jx95r oxyct dark:text-neutral-500">
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c5flu zyk20 n7mnu ep1fp ibw6n u0orr wqdxa uphjs ai84n gzju2 wu2ov z3hip rhctc dark:before:bg-neutral-400 dark:checked:before:bg-white">
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Do not repeat
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Every Day
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<input type="radio" class="hidden" id="hs-pro-cremd3" name="hs-pro-cremd">
Every Week
<svg class="vpbnr fwnpl thdk5 ut6p6 opacity-0 group-has-[:checked]:opacity-100" xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"><path d="M20 6 9 17l-5-5"/></svg>
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Every Year
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"isClosePrev": false
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<span class="yps74">Time Zone:</span>
<div class="m7atb relative o9h62 le8vc pn7qd c5n7i x9v1s before:w-[calc(100%-8px)] yb26d e6jkf dark:before:bg-white/10">
<input id="hs-pro-cremtz" type="text" class="eh7as iv41c block w-full rg6vy v3ki5 vqur1 b7vor upbou viqq1 mryrt oekgx z50zr tc0ip jl6q5 cdyuf dark:text-neutral-200 dark:bg-neutral-800 dark:hover:border-neutral-700 dark:text-neutral-200 dark:placeholder:text-neutral-500 dark:focus:bg-neutral-700" placeholder="Time Zone" value="London (GMT+0)">
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<span class="yps74">Participants:</span>
<div class="m7atb relative o9h62 le8vc pn7qd c5n7i x9v1s before:w-[calc(100%-8px)] yb26d e6jkf dark:before:bg-white/10">
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<div class="btpiv">
<span class="block vqur1 b7vor dark:text-neutral-200">
3 participants
<small class="block jx95r oxyct dark:text-neutral-400">
1 yes, 2 awaiting
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<div class="flex items-center c0yql">
<div class="hs-tooltip dxkem">
<button type="button" class="vugj6 vpbnr xgqt9 q6rsd items-center wwu1y a3ufl dpq4d rg6vy pykwy rmq2c oekgx z50zr sbnko rahzd dark:hover:bg-neutral-600 dark:text-neutral-500 dark:focus:bg-neutral-600">
<span class="yps74">Email participants</span>
<svg class="vpbnr fwnpl" xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"><rect width="20" height="16" x="2" y="4" rx="2"/><path d="m22 7-8.97 5.7a1.94 1.94 0 0 1-2.06 0L2 7"/></svg>
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Email participants
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<button type="button" class="vugj6 vpbnr xgqt9 q6rsd items-center wwu1y a3ufl dpq4d rg6vy pykwy rmq2c oekgx z50zr sbnko rahzd dark:hover:bg-neutral-600 dark:text-neutral-500 dark:focus:bg-neutral-600">
<span class="yps74">Mark all participants optional</span>
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<span class="hs-tooltip-content hs-tooltip-shown:opacity-100 hs-tooltip-shown:visible opacity-0 dxkem absolute mbr14 zfk0a eh7as rc0sp bg-gray-900 bx4k9 ps4xk l6gz8 xroga dark:bg-neutral-900" role="tooltip">
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<div class="btpiv truncate lvvf2">
<span class="block vqur1 truncate b7vor dark:text-neutral-200">
James Collison
<small class="block jx95r truncate oxyct dark:text-neutral-400">
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<span class="yps74">Mark optional</span>
<svg class="vpbnr fwnpl" xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"><circle cx="12" cy="12" r="10"/><circle cx="12" cy="10" r="3"/><path d="M7 20.662V19a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h6a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v1.662"/></svg>
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<span class="yps74">Description:</span>
<div class="m7atb relative o9h62 le8vc pn7qd c5n7i x9v1s before:w-[calc(100%-8px)] yb26d e6jkf dark:before:bg-white/10">
<textarea id="hs-edit-event-description-autoheight-textarea" class="eh7as iv41c block w-full rg6vy v3ki5 vqur1 viqq1 mryrt ckigf oekgx z50zr tc0ip jl6q5 cdyuf dark:bg-neutral-800 dark:hover:border-neutral-700 dark:text-neutral-200 dark:placeholder:text-neutral-500 dark:focus:bg-neutral-700" rows="1" placeholder="Add Description" data-hs-textarea-auto-height>This session is designed to help us collectively reflect gbx61 our accomplishments, identify areas for improvement, and refine our approach to using Preline in the upcoming quarter.</textarea>
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<div class="dzjy8">
<label for="hs-pro-cremurl" class="iq4yf flex q6rsd items-center c0yql vqur1 pykwy dark:text-neutral-500">
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<span class="yps74">URL:</span>
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<span class="yps74">Attachment:</span>
<div class="m7atb relative o9h62 le8vc pn7qd c5n7i x9v1s before:w-[calc(100%-8px)] yb26d e6jkf dark:before:bg-white/10">
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ajrvm uh3ef vntxj
am8u8 t5lxr
okn53 kolay
mvovg kmj5b
<!-- End Item -->
<!-- End Item -->
<!-- Item -->
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<span class="yps74">Assignee:</span>
<div class="m7atb relative o9h62 le8vc pn7qd c5n7i x9v1s before:w-[calc(100%-8px)] yb26d e6jkf dark:before:bg-white/10">
<div class="ry1ws">
<div class="flex flex-wrap items-center qd2er">
<div class="mhlpb">
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<span class="f0q0d ps4xk oxyct dark:text-neutral-400">
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James Collins
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<!-- End Radio -->
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Preline tasks
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<!-- End Radio -->
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Performance Tasks
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<!-- End Radio -->
<div class="mu3xt z9rsz">
<span class="f0q0d ps4xk oxyct dark:text-neutral-400">
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<!-- End Radio -->
<!-- End Dropdown -->
<!-- End Assignee Dropdown -->
<!-- Assignee Color Dropdown -->
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<div class="mu3xt z9rsz">
<span class="f0q0d ps4xk oxyct dark:text-neutral-400">
Event color
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<!-- End Radio -->
<!-- Radio -->
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<!-- End Radio -->
<!-- End Dropdown -->
<!-- End Assignee Color Dropdown -->
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<option value="">Choose</option>
<option selected>Busy</option>
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<option value="">Choose</option>
<option selected>Default visibility</option>
<div class="absolute onm4j wk9ov -translate-y-1/2 opacity-0 mu88d gkscm">
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<!-- End Select -->
<!-- End Grid -->
<!-- End Item -->
<!-- Item -->
<div class="dzjy8">
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<span class="yps74">Reminders:</span>
<div class="m7atb relative o9h62 le8vc pn7qd c5n7i x9v1s before:w-[calc(100%-8px)] yb26d e6jkf dark:before:bg-white/10">
<!-- Select -->
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"toggleClasses": "hs-select-disabled:pointer-events-none hs-select-disabled:opacity-50 relative eh7as iv41c w-full flex wwu1y i419g b7vor cursor-pointer v869m dpq4d rg6vy v3ki5 u4pm7 vqur1 viqq1 hover:focus:border-transparent sbnko tc0ip dark:bg-neutral-800 dark:hover:border-neutral-700 dark:text-neutral-200 dark:focus:outline-none dark:focus:bg-neutral-700",
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"optionClasses": "hs-selected:bg-gray-100 dark:hs-selected:bg-neutral-800 r3twx tm5do w-full vqur1 b7vor cursor-pointer ql6ky v3ki5 sbnko tc0ip dark:text-neutral-200 dark:hover:bg-neutral-800 dark:focus:bg-neutral-800",
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"viewport": "#hs-modal-edit-event"
}' class="hidden">
<option value="">Choose</option>
<option>At the start of event</option>
<option>5 min before</option>
<option>10 min before</option>
<option selected>30 min before</option>
<option>1 hour before</option>
<div class="absolute onm4j wk9ov -translate-y-1/2 opacity-0 mu88d gkscm">
<svg class="vpbnr fwnpl pykwy dark:text-neutral-500" xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"><path d="m6 9 6 6 6-6"/></svg>
<!-- End Select -->
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Save changes
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<!-- Header -->
<div class="v7jym cqbgq flex encm3 items-center x815m dark:border-neutral-700">
<h3 class="ivg4u b7vor dark:text-neutral-200">
Custom recurrence
<!-- End Header -->
<!-- Body -->
<div class="fo082 hij2j">
<div class="cwrq4 p0mag">
<!-- Item -->
<label for="hs-pro-ccremre" class="wktng block vqur1 pykwy dark:text-neutral-500">
Repeat every:
<div class="flex items-center wwu1y">
<input id="hs-pro-ccremre" type="text" class="eh7as iv41c block v8j51 qqcm6 rg6vy v3ki5 vqur1 fyx69 upbou rmq2c mryrt oekgx z50zr rahzd jl6q5 cdyuf dark:text-neutral-400 dark:bg-neutral-700 dark:text-neutral-300 dark:placeholder:text-neutral-500 dark:hover:bg-neutral-600 dark:focus:bg-neutral-600" value="1">
<!-- Select -->
<div class="relative w-full">
<select data-hs-select='{
"placeholder": "Start time",
"toggleTag": "<button type=\"button\" aria-expanded=\"false\"></button>",
"toggleClasses": "hs-select-disabled:pointer-events-none hs-select-disabled:opacity-50 relative eh7as cmd98 ae3ie w-full flex wwu1y i419g fyx69 cursor-pointer qqcm6 dpq4d rg6vy v3ki5 u4pm7 vqur1 rmq2c hover:focus:border-transparent sbnko rahzd dark:bg-neutral-700 dark:text-neutral-400 dark:focus:outline-none dark:hover:bg-neutral-600 dark:focus:bg-neutral-600",
"dropdownClasses": "yvhh6 rxg3f w-full n1kdl mu3xt z9rsz vlqzh w56at v869m it6u8 shadow-[0_10px_40px_10px_rgba(0,0,0,0.08)] ixhii el1lk my2de peqgl dark:[&::-webkit-scrollbar-track]:bg-neutral-700 dark:[&::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb]:bg-neutral-500 dark:bg-neutral-900",
"optionClasses": "hs-selected:bg-gray-100 dark:hs-selected:bg-neutral-800 r3twx tm5do w-full vqur1 b7vor cursor-pointer ql6ky v3ki5 sbnko tc0ip dark:text-neutral-300 dark:hover:bg-neutral-800 dark:focus:bg-neutral-800",
"optionTemplate": "<div class=\"flex encm3 items-center w-full \"><span data-title></span><span class=\"hidden hs-selected:block \"><svg class=\"vpbnr fwnpl b7vor dark:text-neutral-200 \" xmlns=\"\" width=\"24\" height=\"24\" viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" fill=\"none\" stroke=\"currentColor\" stroke-width=\"2\" stroke-linecap=\"round\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\"><polyline points=\"20 6 9 17 4 12\"/></svg></span></div>",
"viewport": "#hs-modal-custom-recurrence-event"
}' class="hidden">
<option value="">Choose</option>
<option selected>Weekly</option>
<div class="absolute onm4j wk9ov -translate-y-1/2">
<svg class="vpbnr fwnpl pykwy dark:text-neutral-500" xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"><path d="m6 9 6 6 6-6"/></svg>
<!-- End Select -->
<!-- End Item -->
<!-- Item -->
<label class="wktng block vqur1 pykwy dark:text-neutral-500">
Repeats on:
<div class="flex q2o1p items-center c0yql">
<!-- Checkbox -->
<label for="hs-pro-clcreromo" class="group bwppt flex q6rsd items-center v3ki5 cursor-pointer vqur1 b7vor qqcm6 rmq2c rahzd has-[:checked]:bg-blue-600 has-[:checked]:text-white dark:text-neutral-300 dark:bg-neutral-700 dark:hover:bg-neutral-600 dark:focus:bg-neutral-600 dark:has-[:checked]:bg-blue-500 dark:has-[:checked]:text-white">
<input type="radio" class="hidden" id="hs-pro-clcreromo" name="hs-pro-cremd" checked>
<!-- End Checkbox -->
<!-- Checkbox -->
<label for="hs-pro-clcrerotu" class="group bwppt flex q6rsd items-center v3ki5 cursor-pointer vqur1 b7vor qqcm6 rmq2c rahzd has-[:checked]:bg-blue-600 has-[:checked]:text-white dark:text-neutral-300 dark:bg-neutral-700 dark:hover:bg-neutral-600 dark:focus:bg-neutral-600 dark:has-[:checked]:bg-blue-500 dark:has-[:checked]:text-white">
<input type="radio" class="hidden" id="hs-pro-clcrerotu" name="hs-pro-cremd">
<!-- End Checkbox -->
<!-- Checkbox -->
<label for="hs-pro-clcrerowe" class="group bwppt flex q6rsd items-center v3ki5 cursor-pointer vqur1 b7vor qqcm6 rmq2c rahzd has-[:checked]:bg-blue-600 has-[:checked]:text-white dark:text-neutral-300 dark:bg-neutral-700 dark:hover:bg-neutral-600 dark:focus:bg-neutral-600 dark:has-[:checked]:bg-blue-500 dark:has-[:checked]:text-white">
<input type="radio" class="hidden" id="hs-pro-clcrerowe" name="hs-pro-cremd">
<!-- End Checkbox -->
<!-- Checkbox -->
<label for="hs-pro-clcreroth" class="group bwppt flex q6rsd items-center v3ki5 cursor-pointer vqur1 b7vor qqcm6 rmq2c rahzd has-[:checked]:bg-blue-600 has-[:checked]:text-white dark:text-neutral-300 dark:bg-neutral-700 dark:hover:bg-neutral-600 dark:focus:bg-neutral-600 dark:has-[:checked]:bg-blue-500 dark:has-[:checked]:text-white">
<input type="radio" class="hidden" id="hs-pro-clcreroth" name="hs-pro-cremd">
<!-- End Checkbox -->
<!-- Checkbox -->
<label for="hs-pro-clcrerofr" class="group bwppt flex q6rsd items-center v3ki5 cursor-pointer vqur1 b7vor qqcm6 rmq2c rahzd has-[:checked]:bg-blue-600 has-[:checked]:text-white dark:text-neutral-300 dark:bg-neutral-700 dark:hover:bg-neutral-600 dark:focus:bg-neutral-600 dark:has-[:checked]:bg-blue-500 dark:has-[:checked]:text-white">
<input type="radio" class="hidden" id="hs-pro-clcrerofr" name="hs-pro-cremd">
<!-- End Checkbox -->
<!-- Checkbox -->
<label for="hs-pro-clcrerosa" class="group bwppt flex q6rsd items-center v3ki5 cursor-pointer vqur1 b7vor qqcm6 rmq2c rahzd has-[:checked]:bg-blue-600 has-[:checked]:text-white dark:text-neutral-300 dark:bg-neutral-700 dark:hover:bg-neutral-600 dark:focus:bg-neutral-600 dark:has-[:checked]:bg-blue-500 dark:has-[:checked]:text-white">
<input type="radio" class="hidden" id="hs-pro-clcrerosa" name="hs-pro-cremd">
<!-- End Checkbox -->
<!-- Checkbox -->
<label for="hs-pro-clcrerosu" class="group bwppt flex q6rsd items-center v3ki5 cursor-pointer vqur1 b7vor qqcm6 rmq2c rahzd has-[:checked]:bg-blue-600 has-[:checked]:text-white dark:text-neutral-300 dark:bg-neutral-700 dark:hover:bg-neutral-600 dark:focus:bg-neutral-600 dark:has-[:checked]:bg-blue-500 dark:has-[:checked]:text-white">
<input type="radio" class="hidden" id="hs-pro-clcrerosu" name="hs-pro-cremd">
<!-- End Checkbox -->
<!-- End Item -->
<!-- Item -->
<label class="wktng block vqur1 pykwy dark:text-neutral-500">
<!-- Radio -->
<div class="flex">
<input type="radio" name="hs-pro-clcree" class="vpbnr a11ya a3ufl we6nf eut71 h4g1j oekgx z50zr dark:bg-neutral-800 dark:border-neutral-700 dark:checked:bg-blue-500 dark:checked:border-blue-500 dark:focus:ring-offset-neutral-800" id="hs-pro-clcreen" checked>
<label for="hs-pro-clcreen" class="ps4xk oxyct f0q0d dark:text-neutral-400">Never</label>
<!-- End Radio -->
<div class="fbpzv flex items-center wwu1y">
<!-- Radio -->
<div class="lxpms flex">
<input type="radio" name="hs-pro-clcree" class="vpbnr a11ya a3ufl we6nf eut71 h4g1j oekgx z50zr dark:bg-neutral-800 dark:border-neutral-700 dark:checked:bg-blue-500 dark:checked:border-blue-500 dark:focus:ring-offset-neutral-800" id="hs-pro-clcreeo">
<label for="hs-pro-clcreeo" class="ps4xk oxyct f0q0d dark:text-neutral-400">On</label>
<!-- End Radio -->
<div class="w-full">
<!-- Input -->
<input type="text" class="r3twx iv41c block w-full qqcm6 rg6vy v3ki5 vqur1 fyx69 upbou rmq2c mryrt oekgx z50zr rahzd jl6q5 cdyuf dark:text-neutral-400 dark:bg-neutral-700 dark:text-neutral-300 dark:placeholder:text-neutral-500 dark:hover:bg-neutral-600 dark:focus:bg-neutral-600" value="Jan 7, 2024">
<!-- End Input -->
<div class="aruu0 flex items-center wwu1y">
<!-- Radio -->
<div class="lxpms flex">
<input type="radio" name="hs-pro-clcree" class="vpbnr a11ya a3ufl we6nf eut71 h4g1j oekgx z50zr dark:bg-neutral-800 dark:border-neutral-700 dark:checked:bg-blue-500 dark:checked:border-blue-500 dark:focus:ring-offset-neutral-800" id="hs-pro-clcreea">
<label for="hs-pro-clcreea" class="ps4xk oxyct f0q0d dark:text-neutral-400">After</label>
<!-- End Radio -->
<div class="w-full flex items-center wwu1y">
<!-- Input -->
<input type="text" class="r3twx iv41c block v8j51 qqcm6 rg6vy v3ki5 vqur1 fyx69 upbou rmq2c mryrt oekgx z50zr rahzd jl6q5 cdyuf dark:text-neutral-400 dark:bg-neutral-700 dark:text-neutral-300 dark:placeholder:text-neutral-500 dark:hover:bg-neutral-600 dark:focus:bg-neutral-600" value="7">
<!-- End Input -->
<span class="ps4xk pykwy dark:text-neutral-500">Times</span>
<!-- End Item -->
<!-- End Body -->
<!-- Footer -->
<div class="fuiju cqbgq o0jom a11ya dark:border-neutral-700">
<div class="mhlpb flex qsj3b items-center ciztt">
<button type="button" class="fuiju tm5do i419g xgqt9 q6rsd items-center u4pm7 v869m dpq4d a11ya b7vor ps4xk ivg4u xroga k8i8d a2xg7 e1tdc oekgx z50zr dark:bg-neutral-800 dark:border-neutral-700 dark:text-neutral-300 dark:hover:bg-neutral-700 dark:focus:bg-neutral-700">
<button type="button" class="fuiju tm5do i419g xgqt9 q6rsd items-center wwu1y u4pm7 sh5ol dpq4d dbqf7 l6gz8 ps4xk ivg4u xroga k8i8d a2xg7 a9sj1 oekgx z50zr sbnko g5wj4 v3p3o dark:focus:ring-blue-500">
<!-- End Footer -->
<!-- End Calendar Edit Event Card -->
<!-- Add Discount Modal -->
<div class="v869m dpq4d jujtl k8i8d it6u8 dark:bg-stone-800 dark:border-stone-700">
<!-- Header -->
<div class="yxmdd cqbgq flex encm3 items-center x815m jujtl dark:border-neutral-700">
<h3 id="hs-pro-edmad-label" class="u2ysm dt7pj dark:text-neutral-200">
Add discount
<!-- End Header -->
<!-- Body -->
<div class="w56at ixhii el1lk awp0n xfqs6 dark:[&::-webkit-scrollbar-track]:bg-stone-700 dark:[&::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb]:bg-stone-500">
<div class="fo082 ia4l2">
<!-- Input -->
<label for="hs-pro-eadmnm" class="block pqyx6 hac7f ivg4u dt7pj dark:text-white">
<input type="text" id="hs-pro-eadmnm" class="v7jym tm5do block w-full jujtl xroga hac7f ufdcf xwans xg1cl oekgx z50zr dark:bg-transparent dark:border-neutral-700 dark:text-neutral-300 dark:placeholder:text-white/60 dark:focus:ring-neutral-600">
<p class="gaz0n ps4xk vej1k dark:text-neutral-500">
This will appear gbx61 your customer’s invoice.
<!-- End Input -->
<!-- Input -->
<label for="hs-pro-eadmcd" class="block pqyx6 hac7f ivg4u dt7pj dark:text-white">
<div class="relative">
<input type="text" id="hs-pro-eadmcd" class="v7jym tm5do dpntc block w-full jujtl xroga hac7f ufdcf xwans xg1cl oekgx z50zr dark:bg-transparent dark:border-neutral-700 dark:text-neutral-300 dark:placeholder:text-white/60 dark:focus:ring-neutral-600" value="MXNDC4MG">
<button type="button" class="hs-tooltip absolute rezcy s0ojd flex items-center zfk0a tm5do cursor-pointer mms1j uyp4j sbnko ctzhm dark:text-neutral-600 dark:focus:text-neutral-500">
<svg class="vpbnr m5z5i" xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"><path d="M21 12a9 9 0 0 0-9-9 9.75 9.75 0 0 0-6.74 2.74L3 8"/><path d="M3 3v5h5"/><path d="M3 12a9 9 0 0 0 9 9 9.75 9.75 0 0 0 6.74-2.74L21 16"/><path d="M16 16h5v5"/></svg>
<span class="hs-tooltip-content hs-tooltip-shown:opacity-100 hs-tooltip-shown:visible opacity-0 s934k hidden mbr14 nsoag r3twx iv41c c16me ps4xk ivg4u l6gz8 xroga k8i8d dark:bg-neutral-700" role="tooltip">
Generate code
<p class="gaz0n ps4xk vej1k dark:text-neutral-500">
The code your customers will enter during checkout.
<!-- End Input -->
<!-- Input -->
<label for="hs-pro-eadmam" class="block pqyx6 hac7f ivg4u dt7pj dark:text-neutral-200">
<div class="relative w-full">
<input id="hs-pro-eadmam" type="text" class="fuiju tm5do block w-full jujtl xroga hac7f dt7pj mow9x hjrzy kjmk4 dark:bg-transparent dark:border-neutral-700 dark:text-neutral-200 dark:placeholder:text-neutral-500 dark:focus:outline-none dark:focus:ring-1 dark:focus:ring-neutral-600" value="10">
<div class="absolute rezcy s0ojd flex items-center jdg3u mms1j">
<!-- Select -->
<div class="relative">
<select data-hs-select='{
"placeholder": "Select option...",
"toggleTag": "<button type=\"button\" aria-expanded=\"false\"></button>",
"toggleClasses": "hs-select-disabled:pointer-events-none hs-select-disabled:opacity-50 relative eh7as rc0sp xgqt9 vpbnr q6rsd items-center x60sp ps4xk dt7pj xroga bcacf sbnko s6nmp pn7qd bhpwi u6glr dark:text-neutral-400 dark:hover:bg-neutral-700 dark:focus:bg-neutral-700",
"dropdownClasses": "s0ojd yvhh6 mu3xt rxg3f mmih0 z9rsz v869m it6u8 shadow-[0_10px_40px_10px_rgba(0,0,0,0.08)] dark:bg-neutral-950",
"optionClasses": "hs-selected:bg-stone-100 dark:hs-selected:bg-neutral-800 eh7as iv41c w-full ps4xk dt7pj xroga cursor-pointer bcacf xroga sbnko s6nmp dark:text-neutral-300 dark:hover:bg-neutral-800 dark:focus:bg-neutral-800",
"optionTemplate": "<div class=\"flex encm3 items-center w-full \"><span data-title></span><span class=\"hidden hs-selected:block \"><svg class=\"vpbnr fwnpl dt7pj dark:text-neutral-200 \" xmlns=\"\" width=\"24\" height=\"24\" viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" fill=\"none\" stroke=\"currentColor\" stroke-width=\"2\" stroke-linecap=\"round\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\"><polyline points=\"20 6 9 17 4 12\"/></svg></span></div>"
}' class="hidden">
<option value="">Choose</option>
<option selected>%</option>
<!-- End Select -->
<!-- End Input -->
<!-- Input Grid -->
<div class="cwrq4 bg6xe yru4d">
<label class="block pqyx6 hac7f ivg4u dt7pj dark:text-neutral-200">
Start date
<!-- Calendar Dropdown -->
<div class="hs-dropdown xgqt9 [--auto-close:inside] w-full">
<button id="hs-pro-eadmsd" type="button" class="fuiju rc0sp w-full flex items-center x60sp hac7f xroga dpq4d jujtl dt7pj oekgx z50zr sbnko g5wj4 kjmk4 hjrzy dark:border-neutral-700 dark:text-neutral-300 dark:placeholder:text-white/60 dark:focus:ring-neutral-600" aria-haspopup="menu" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Dropdown">
Thu, 20 Jul 2023
<svg class="vpbnr fwnpl ut6p6" xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"><path d="m6 9 6 6 6-6"/></svg>
<div class="hs-dropdown-menu hs-dropdown-open:opacity-100 h9d1v transition-[opacity,margin] duration opacity-0 hidden rxg3f v869m it6u8 shadow-[0_10px_40px_10px_rgba(0,0,0,0.08)] dark:shadow-[0_10px_40px_10px_rgba(0,0,0,0.2)] dark:bg-neutral-900" role="menu" aria-orientation="vertical" aria-labelledby="hs-pro-eadmsd">
<!-- Calendar -->
<div class="bjlw2 z9rsz">
<!-- Months -->
<div class="cwrq4 c6gnq items-center clmee pqxmy b4788">
<!-- Prev Button -->
<div class="dzjy8">
<button type="button" class="rj4tp flex q6rsd items-center dt7pj bcacf a3ufl oekgx z50zr sbnko s6nmp dark:text-neutral-400 dark:hover:bg-neutral-800 dark:focus:bg-neutral-800" aria-label="Previous">
<svg class="vpbnr m5z5i" xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"><path d="m15 18-6-6 6-6"/></svg>
<!-- End Prev Button -->
<!-- Month / Year -->
<div class="pgvne flex q6rsd items-center c0yql">
<div class="relative">
<select data-hs-select='{
"placeholder": "Select month",
"toggleTag": "<button type=\"button\" aria-expanded=\"false\"></button>",
"toggleClasses": "hs-select-disabled:pointer-events-none hs-select-disabled:opacity-50 relative flex i419g w-full cursor-pointer u4pm7 ivg4u dt7pj flw5b sbnko ckojr pn7qd bhpwi u6glr dark:text-neutral-200 dark:hover:text-neutral-300 dark:focus:text-neutral-300",
"dropdownClasses": "yvhh6 rxg3f ob8c3 lt268 mu3xt z9rsz v869m dpq4d jujtl xroga dqyik vlqzh w56at ixhii el1lk awp0n xfqs6 dark:[&::-webkit-scrollbar-track]:bg-neutral-700 dark:[&::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb]:bg-neutral-500 dark:bg-neutral-900 dark:border-neutral-700",
"optionClasses": "z1r3e w-full hac7f dt7pj cursor-pointer bcacf xroga sbnko s6nmp dark:bg-neutral-900 dark:hover:bg-neutral-800 dark:text-neutral-200 dark:focus:bg-neutral-800",
"optionTemplate": "<div class=\"flex encm3 items-center w-full \"><span data-title></span><span class=\"hidden hs-selected:block \"><svg class=\"vpbnr fwnpl dt7pj dark:text-neutral-200 \" xmlns=\"\" width=\"24\" height=\"24\" viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" fill=\"none\" stroke=\"currentColor\" stroke-width=\"2\" stroke-linecap=\"round\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\"><polyline points=\"20 6 9 17 4 12\"/></svg></span></div>"
}' class="hidden">
<option value="0">January</option>
<option value="1">February</option>
<option value="2">March</option>
<option value="3">April</option>
<option value="4">May</option>
<option value="5">June</option>
<option value="6" selected>July</option>
<option value="7">August</option>
<option value="8">September</option>
<option value="9">October</option>
<option value="10">November</option>
<option value="11">December</option>
<span class="dt7pj dark:text-neutral-200">/</span>
<div class="relative">
<select data-hs-select='{
"placeholder": "Select year",
"toggleTag": "<button type=\"button\" aria-expanded=\"false\"></button>",
"toggleClasses": "hs-select-disabled:pointer-events-none hs-select-disabled:opacity-50 relative flex i419g w-full cursor-pointer u4pm7 ivg4u dt7pj flw5b sbnko ckojr pn7qd bhpwi u6glr dark:text-neutral-200 dark:hover:text-neutral-300 dark:focus:text-neutral-300",
"dropdownClasses": "yvhh6 rxg3f lxpms lt268 mu3xt z9rsz v869m dpq4d jujtl xroga dqyik vlqzh w56at ixhii el1lk awp0n xfqs6 dark:[&::-webkit-scrollbar-track]:bg-neutral-700 dark:[&::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb]:bg-neutral-500 dark:bg-neutral-900 dark:border-neutral-700",
"optionClasses": "z1r3e w-full hac7f dt7pj cursor-pointer bcacf xroga sbnko s6nmp dark:bg-neutral-900 dark:hover:bg-neutral-800 dark:text-neutral-200 dark:focus:bg-neutral-800",
"optionTemplate": "<div class=\"flex encm3 items-center w-full \"><span data-title></span><span class=\"hidden hs-selected:block \"><svg class=\"vpbnr fwnpl dt7pj dark:text-neutral-200 \" xmlns=\"\" width=\"24\" height=\"24\" viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" fill=\"none\" stroke=\"currentColor\" stroke-width=\"2\" stroke-linecap=\"round\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\"><polyline points=\"20 6 9 17 4 12\"/></svg></span></div>"
}' class="hidden">
<option selected>2023</option>
<!-- End Month / Year -->
<!-- Next Button -->
<div class="dzjy8 flex qsj3b">
<button type="button" class=" rj4tp flex q6rsd items-center dt7pj bcacf a3ufl oekgx z50zr sbnko s6nmp dark:text-neutral-400 dark:hover:bg-neutral-800 dark:focus:bg-neutral-800" aria-label="Next">
<svg class="vpbnr m5z5i" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"><path d="m9 18 6-6-6-6"/></svg>
<!-- End Next Button -->
<!-- Months -->
<!-- Weeks -->
<div class="flex vskbb">
<span class="ms6qs ftepz block bx4k9 hac7f vej1k dark:text-neutral-500">
<span class="ms6qs ftepz block bx4k9 hac7f vej1k dark:text-neutral-500">
<span class="ms6qs ftepz block bx4k9 hac7f vej1k dark:text-neutral-500">
<span class="ms6qs ftepz block bx4k9 hac7f vej1k dark:text-neutral-500">
<span class="ms6qs ftepz block bx4k9 hac7f vej1k dark:text-neutral-500">
<span class="ms6qs ftepz block bx4k9 hac7f vej1k dark:text-neutral-500">
<span class="ms6qs ftepz block bx4k9 hac7f vej1k dark:text-neutral-500">
<!-- Weeks -->
<!-- Days -->
<div class="flex">
<button type="button" class="ms6qs itj8b flex q6rsd items-center dpq4d rg6vy hac7f dt7pj a3ufl vtn4l r8d8u oekgx z50zr sbnko hjrzy ctzhm dark:text-neutral-200" disabled>
<button type="button" class="ms6qs itj8b flex q6rsd items-center dpq4d rg6vy hac7f dt7pj a3ufl vtn4l r8d8u oekgx z50zr sbnko hjrzy ctzhm dark:text-neutral-200" disabled>
<button type="button" class="ms6qs itj8b flex q6rsd items-center dpq4d rg6vy hac7f dt7pj a3ufl vtn4l r8d8u oekgx z50zr sbnko hjrzy ctzhm dark:text-neutral-200" disabled>
<button type="button" class="ms6qs itj8b flex q6rsd items-center dpq4d rg6vy hac7f dt7pj a3ufl vtn4l r8d8u oekgx z50zr sbnko hjrzy ctzhm dark:text-neutral-200" disabled>
<button type="button" class="ms6qs itj8b flex q6rsd items-center dpq4d rg6vy hac7f dt7pj a3ufl vtn4l r8d8u oekgx z50zr sbnko hjrzy ctzhm dark:text-neutral-200" disabled>
<button type="button" class="ms6qs itj8b flex q6rsd items-center dpq4d rg6vy hac7f dt7pj a3ufl vtn4l r8d8u oekgx z50zr sbnko hjrzy ctzhm dark:text-neutral-200">
<button type="button" class="ms6qs itj8b flex q6rsd items-center dpq4d rg6vy hac7f dt7pj a3ufl vtn4l r8d8u oekgx z50zr sbnko hjrzy ctzhm dark:text-neutral-200">
<!-- Days -->
<!-- Days -->
<div class="flex">
<button type="button" class="ms6qs itj8b flex q6rsd items-center dpq4d rg6vy hac7f dt7pj a3ufl vtn4l r8d8u oekgx z50zr sbnko hjrzy ctzhm dark:text-neutral-200">
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<div >
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Thu, 20 Jul 2023
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}' class="hidden">
<option value="0">January</option>
<option value="1">February</option>
<option value="2">March</option>
<option value="3">April</option>
<option value="4">May</option>
<option value="5">June</option>
<option value="6" selected>July</option>
<option value="7">August</option>
<option value="8">September</option>
<option value="9">October</option>
<option value="10">November</option>
<option value="11">December</option>
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<option selected>2023</option>
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<div >
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<!-- Days -->
<!-- Button Group -->
<div class="ucsx3 flex qsj3b wwu1y">
<button type="button" class="fuiju tm5do xgqt9 items-center wwu1y ps4xk ivg4u xroga dpq4d jujtl v869m dt7pj k8i8d ze1zv oekgx z50zr sbnko pfxy3 dark:bg-neutral-800 dark:border-neutral-700 dark:text-neutral-300 dark:hover:bg-neutral-700 dark:focus:bg-neutral-700" data-hs-overlay="#hs-pro-eadm">
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Set end date
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<label for="hs-pro-eadmln" class="block pqyx6 hac7f ivg4u dt7pj dark:text-white">
Limit the hrp0m of redemptions?
<input type="text" id="hs-pro-eadmln" class="v7jym tm5do block w-full jujtl xroga hac7f ufdcf xwans xg1cl oekgx z50zr dark:bg-transparent dark:border-neutral-700 dark:text-neutral-300 dark:placeholder:text-white/60 dark:focus:ring-neutral-600" placeholder="0">
<p class="gaz0n ps4xk vej1k dark:text-neutral-500">
Limit applies across all customers, not per customer.
<!-- End Input -->
<!-- End Body -->
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<div class="fo082 flex qsj3b wwu1y">
<div class="w-full flex qsj3b items-center wwu1y">
<button type="button" class="fuiju tm5do xgqt9 q6rsd items-center u4pm7 v869m dpq4d a11ya b7vor hac7f ivg4u xroga k8i8d a2xg7 e1tdc oekgx z50zr dark:bg-neutral-800 dark:border-neutral-700 dark:text-neutral-300 dark:hover:bg-neutral-700 dark:focus:bg-neutral-700">
Save as draft
<button type="button" class="fuiju tm5do xgqt9 q6rsd items-center wwu1y u4pm7 tb9mu dpq4d i8uc6 l6gz8 hac7f ivg4u xroga k8i8d a2xg7 rj5wx oekgx z50zr sbnko g5wj4 rl1d3 dark:focus:ring-green-500">
Publish discount
<!-- End Footer -->
<!-- End Add Discount Modal -->
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<label for="hs-pro-daemtt" class="block pqyx6 hac7f ivg4u b7vor dark:text-neutral-200">
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<div class="nws9a">
<label class="block pqyx6 hac7f ivg4u b7vor dark:text-neutral-200">
Date & Time
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<div class="flex dr3q9 uzj8e fkm9y mr4ks dkjki flcwc">
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<div class="hs-dropdown [--auto-close:inside] xgqt9 w-full">
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July 29, 2023
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}' class="hidden">
<option value="0">January</option>
<option value="1">February</option>
<option value="2">March</option>
<option value="3">April</option>
<option value="4">May</option>
<option value="5">June</option>
<option value="6" selected>July</option>
<option value="7">August</option>
<option value="8">September</option>
<option value="9">October</option>
<option value="10">November</option>
<option value="11">December</option>
<span class="b7vor dark:text-neutral-200">/</span>
<div class="relative">
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"optionClasses": "z1r3e w-full hac7f b7vor cursor-pointer ql6ky xroga sbnko tc0ip dark:bg-neutral-900 dark:hover:bg-neutral-800 dark:text-neutral-200 dark:focus:bg-neutral-800",
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}' class="hidden">
<option selected>2023</option>
<!-- End Month / Year -->
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<span class="ms6qs ftepz block bx4k9 hac7f oxyct dark:text-neutral-500">
<span class="ms6qs ftepz block bx4k9 hac7f oxyct dark:text-neutral-500">
<span class="ms6qs ftepz block bx4k9 hac7f oxyct dark:text-neutral-500">
<span class="ms6qs ftepz block bx4k9 hac7f oxyct dark:text-neutral-500">
<span class="ms6qs ftepz block bx4k9 hac7f oxyct dark:text-neutral-500">
<span class="ms6qs ftepz block bx4k9 hac7f oxyct dark:text-neutral-500">
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<div class="flex">
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<div >
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<div >
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<!-- Days -->
<!-- End Calendar Dropdown -->
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<option>2:00 AM</option>
<option>3:00 AM</option>
<option>4:00 AM</option>
<option>5:00 AM</option>
<option>6:00 AM</option>
<option>7:00 AM</option>
<option>8:00 AM</option>
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<option>10:00 AM</option>
<option>11:00 AM</option>
<option>12:01 PM</option>
<option>1:00 PM</option>
<option>2:00 PM</option>
<option>3:00 PM</option>
<option>4:00 PM</option>
<option>5:00 PM</option>
<option>6:00 PM</option>
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<option>1:00 AM</option>
<option>2:00 AM</option>
<option>3:00 AM</option>
<option>4:00 AM</option>
<option>5:00 AM</option>
<option>6:00 AM</option>
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<option>8:00 AM</option>
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<option>3:00 PM</option>
<option>4:00 PM</option>
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<option>6:00 PM</option>
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<option>11:00 PM</option>
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<option value="">Choose</option>
<option value="1" data-hs-select-option='{
"description": "James Collins",
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem a3ufl \" src=\"\" alt=\"Avatar\">"
<option value="2" data-hs-select-option='{
"description": "Lori Hunter",
"icon": "<span class=\"flex vpbnr q6rsd items-center dg83s v869m dpq4d a11ya fyx69 ivg4u jmrtn a3ufl dark:bg-neutral-800 dark:border-neutral-700 dark:text-neutral-300 \">L</span>"
<option value="3" data-hs-select-option='{
"description": "david",
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem a3ufl \" src=\"\" alt=\"Avatar\">"
<option value="4" data-hs-select-option='{
"description": "Ella Laudq",
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem a3ufl \" src=\"\" alt=\"Avatar\">"
<option value="5" data-hs-select-option='{
"description": "Ols Schols",
"icon": "<span class=\"flex vpbnr q6rsd items-center dg83s v869m dpq4d a11ya fyx69 ivg4u jmrtn a3ufl dark:bg-neutral-800 dark:border-neutral-700 dark:text-neutral-300 \">O</span>"
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James Collins
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<span class="hs-tooltip-toggle flex vpbnr q6rsd items-center x5y5o v869m dpq4d a11ya fyx69 ivg4u jmrtn a3ufl dark:bg-neutral-800 dark:border-neutral-700 dark:text-neutral-300">L</span><span class="block absolute -top-1 -end-1 v869m a3ufl dark:bg-neutral-800">
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Lori Hunter
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Lewis Clarke
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Ella Lauda
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<span class="hs-tooltip-toggle flex vpbnr q6rsd items-center x5y5o v869m dpq4d a11ya fyx69 ivg4u jmrtn a3ufl dark:bg-neutral-800 dark:border-neutral-700 dark:text-neutral-300">O</span><span class="block absolute -top-1 -end-1 v869m a3ufl dark:bg-neutral-800">
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Ols Schols
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James Collins
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Lori Hunter
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Lewis Clarke
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Ella Lauda
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Ols Schols
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Contact email
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Contact phone
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"dropdownClasses": "lt268 mu3xt fji7p z9rsz rxg3f w-full vlqzh w56at v869m it6u8 shadow-[0_10px_40px_10px_rgba(0,0,0,0.08)] ixhii el1lk awp0n xfqs6 dark:[&::-webkit-scrollbar-track]:bg-neutral-700 dark:[&::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb]:bg-neutral-500 dark:bg-neutral-900",
"optionClasses": "hs-selected:bg-stone-100 dark:hs-selected:bg-neutral-800 fuiju cqbgq w-full hac7f dt7pj cursor-pointer bcacf xroga sbnko s6nmp dark:text-neutral-300 dark:hover:bg-neutral-800 dark:focus:bg-neutral-800",
"optionTemplate": "<div><div class=\"flex items-center \"><div class=\"rznfr \" data-icon></div><div class=\"dt7pj dark:text-neutral-200 \" data-title></div></div></div>"
}' class="hidden">
<option value="">Choose</option>
<option value="AF" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/af.png\" alt=\"Afghanistan\" />"}'>
<option value="AX" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ax.png\" alt=\"Aland Islands\" />"}'>
Aland Islands
<option value="AL" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/al.png\" alt=\"Albania\" />"}'>
<option value="DZ" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/dz.png\" alt=\"Algeria\" />"}'>
<option value="AS" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/as.png\" alt=\"American Samoa\" />"}'>
American Samoa
<option value="AD" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ad.png\" alt=\"Andorra\" />"}'>
<option value="AO" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ao.png\" alt=\"Angola\" />"}'>
<option value="AI" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ai.png\" alt=\"Anguilla\" />"}'>
<option value="AG" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ag.png\" alt=\"Antigua and Barbuda\" />"}'>
Antigua and Barbuda
<option value="AR" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ar.png\" alt=\"Argentina\" />"}'>
<option value="AM" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/am.png\" alt=\"Armenia\" />"}'>
<option value="AW" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/aw.png\" alt=\"Aruba\" />"}'>
<option value="AU" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/au.png\" alt=\"Australia\" />"}'>
<option value="AT" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/at.png\" alt=\"Austria\" />"}'>
<option value="AZ" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/az.png\" alt=\"Azerbaijan\" />"}'>
<option value="BS" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/bs.png\" alt=\"Bahamas\" />"}'>
<option value="BH" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/bh.png\" alt=\"Bahrain\" />"}'>
<option value="BD" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/bd.png\" alt=\"Bangladesh\" />"}'>
<option value="BB" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/bb.png\" alt=\"Barbados\" />"}'>
<option value="BY" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/by.png\" alt=\"Belarus\" />"}'>
<option value="BE" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/be.png\" alt=\"Belgium\" />"}'>
<option value="BZ" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/bz.png\" alt=\"Belize\" />"}'>
<option value="BJ" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/bj.png\" alt=\"Benin\" />"}'>
<option value="BM" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/bm.png\" alt=\"Bermuda\" />"}'>
<option value="BT" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/bt.png\" alt=\"Bhutan\" />"}'>
<option value="BO" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/bo.png\" alt=\"Bolivia (Plurinational State of)\" />"}'>
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
<option value="BQ" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/bq.png\" alt=\"Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba\" />"}'>
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba
<option value="BA" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ba.png\" alt=\"Bosnia and Herzegovina\" />"}'>
Bosnia and Herzegovina
<option value="BW" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/bw.png\" alt=\"Botswana\" />"}'>
<option value="BR" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/br.png\" alt=\"Brazil\" />"}'>
<option value="IO" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/io.png\" alt=\"British Indian Ocean Territory\" />"}'>
British Indian Ocean Territory
<option value="BN" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/bn.png\" alt=\"Brunei Darussalam\" />"}'>
Brunei Darussalam
<option value="BG" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/bg.png\" alt=\"Bulgaria\" />"}'>
<option value="BF" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/bf.png\" alt=\"Burkina Faso\" />"}'>
Burkina Faso
<option value="BI" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/bi.png\" alt=\"Burundi\" />"}'>
<option value="CV" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/cv.png\" alt=\"Cabo Verde\" />"}'>
Cabo Verde
<option value="KH" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/kh.png\" alt=\"Cambodia\" />"}'>
<option value="CM" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/cm.png\" alt=\"Cameroon\" />"}'>
<option value="CA" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ca.png\" alt=\"Canada\" />"}'>
<option value="KY" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ky.png\" alt=\"Cayman Islands\" />"}'>
Cayman Islands
<option value="CF" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/cf.png\" alt=\"Central African Republic\" />"}'>
Central African Republic
<option value="TD" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/td.png\" alt=\"Chad\" />"}'>
<option value="CL" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/cl.png\" alt=\"Chile\" />"}'>
<option value="CN" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/cn.png\" alt=\"China\" />"}'>
<option value="CX" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/cx.png\" alt=\"Christmas Island\" />"}'>
Christmas Island
<option value="CC" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/cc.png\" alt=\"Cocos (Keeling) Islands\" />"}'>
Cocos (Keeling) Islands
<option value="CO" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/co.png\" alt=\"Colombia\" />"}'>
<option value="KM" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/km.png\" alt=\"Comoros\" />"}'>
<option value="CK" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ck.png\" alt=\"Cook Islands\" />"}'>
Cook Islands
<option value="CR" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/cr.png\" alt=\"Costa Rica\" />"}'>
Costa Rica
<option value="HR" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/hr.png\" alt=\"Croatia\" />"}'>
<option value="CU" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/cu.png\" alt=\"Cuba\" />"}'>
<option value="CW" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/cw.png\" alt=\"Curaçao\" />"}'>
<option value="CY" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/cy.png\" alt=\"Cyprus\" />"}'>
<option value="CZ" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/cz.png\" alt=\"Czech Republic\" />"}'>
Czech Republic
<option value="CI" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ci.png\" alt=Côte dIvoire\" />"}'>
Côte dIvoire
<option value="CD" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/cd.png\" alt=\"Democratic Republic of the Congo\" />"}'>
Democratic Republic of the Congo
<option value="DK" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/dk.png\" alt=\"Denmark\" />"}'>
<option value="DJ" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/dj.png\" alt=\"Djibouti\" />"}'>
<option value="DM" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/dm.png\" alt=\"Dominica\" />"}'>
<option value="DO" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/do.png\" alt=\"Dominican Republic\" />"}'>
Dominican Republic
<option value="EC" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ec.png\" alt=\"Ecuador\" />"}'>
<option value="EG" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/eg.png\" alt=\"Egypt\" />"}'>
<option value="SV" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/sv.png\" alt=\"El Salvador\" />"}'>
El Salvador
<option value="GB-ENG" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/gb.png\" alt=\"England\" />"}'>
<option value="GQ" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/gq.png\" alt=\"Equatorial Guinea\" />"}'>
Equatorial Guinea
<option value="ER" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/er.png\" alt=\"Eritrea\" />"}'>
<option value="EE" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ee.png\" alt=\"Estonia\" />"}'>
<option value="ET" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/et.png\" alt=\"Ethiopia\" />"}'>
<option value="FK" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/fk.png\" alt=\"Falkland Islands\" />"}'>
Falkland Islands
<option value="FO" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/fo.png\" alt=\"Faroe Islands\" />"}'>
Faroe Islands
<option value="FM" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/fm.png\" alt=\"Federated States of Micronesia\" />"}'>
Federated States of Micronesia
<option value="FJ" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/fj.png\" alt=\"Fiji\" />"}'>
<option value="FI" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/fi.png\" alt=\"Finland\" />"}'>
<option value="FR" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/fr.png\" alt=\"France\" />"}'>
<option value="GF" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/gf.png\" alt=\"French Guiana\" />"}'>
French Guiana
<option value="PF" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/pf.png\" alt=\"French Polynesia\" />"}'>
French Polynesia
<option value="TF" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/tf.png\" alt=\"French Southern Territories\" />"}'>
French Southern Territories
<option value="GA" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ga.png\" alt=\"Gabon\" />"}'>
<option value="GM" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/gm.png\" alt=\"Gambia\" />"}'>
<option value="GE" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ge.png\" alt=\"Georgia\" />"}'>
<option value="DE" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/de.png\" alt=\"Germany\" />"}'>
<option value="GH" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/gh.png\" alt=\"Ghana\" />"}'>
<option value="GI" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/gi.png\" alt=\"Gibraltar\" />"}'>
<option value="GR" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/gr.png\" alt=\"Greece\" />"}'>
<option value="GL" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/gl.png\" alt=\"Greenland\" />"}'>
<option value="GD" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/gd.png\" alt=\"Grenada\" />"}'>
<option value="GP" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/gp.png\" alt=\"Guadeloupe\" />"}'>
<option value="GU" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/gu.png\" alt=\"Guam\" />"}'>
<option value="GT" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/gt.png\" alt=\"Guatemala\" />"}'>
<option value="GG" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/gg.png\" alt=\"Guernsey\" />"}'>
<option value="GN" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/gn.png\" alt=\"Guinea\" />"}'>
<option value="GW" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/gw.png\" alt=\"Guinea-Bissau\" />"}'>
<option value="GY" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/gy.png\" alt=\"Guyana\" />"}'>
<option value="HT" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ht.png\" alt=\"Haiti\" />"}'>
<option value="VA" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/va.png\" alt=\"Holy See\" />"}'>
Holy See
<option value="HN" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/hn.png\" alt=\"Honduras\" />"}'>
<option value="HK" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/hk.png\" alt=\"Hong Kong\" />"}'>
Hong Kong
<option value="HU" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/hu.png\" alt=\"Hungary\" />"}'>
<option value="IS" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/is.png\" alt=\"Iceland\" />"}'>
<option value="IN" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/in.png\" alt=\"India\" />"}'>
<option value="ID" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/id.png\" alt=\"Indonesia\" />"}'>
<option value="IR" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ir.png\" alt=\"Iran (Islamic Republic of)\" />"}'>
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
<option value="IQ" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/iq.png\" alt=\"Iraq\" />"}'>
<option value="IE" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ie.png\" alt=\"Ireland\" />"}'>
<option value="IM" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/im.png\" alt=\"Isle of Man\" />"}'>
Isle of Man
<option value="IL" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/il.png\" alt=\"Israel\" />"}'>
<option value="IT" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/it.png\" alt=\"Italy\" />"}'>
<option value="JM" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/jm.png\" alt=\"Jamaica\" />"}'>
<option value="JP" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/jp.png\" alt=\"Japan\" />"}'>
<option value="JE" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/je.png\" alt=\"Jersey\" />"}'>
<option value="JO" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/jo.png\" alt=\"Jordan\" />"}'>
<option value="KZ" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/kz.png\" alt=\"Kazakhstan\" />"}'>
<option value="KE" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ke.png\" alt=\"Kenya\" />"}'>
<option value="KI" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ki.png\" alt=\"Kiribati\" />"}'>
<option value="KW" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/kw.png\" alt=\"Kuwait\" />"}'>
<option value="KG" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/kg.png\" alt=\"Kyrgyzstan\" />"}'>
<option value="LA" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/la.png\" alt=\"Laos\" />"}'>
<option value="LV" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/lv.png\" alt=\"Latvia\" />"}'>
<option value="LB" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/lb.png\" alt=\"Lebanon\" />"}'>
<option value="LS" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ls.png\" alt=\"Lesotho\" />"}'>
<option value="LR" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/lr.png\" alt=\"Liberia\" />"}'>
<option value="LY" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ly.png\" alt=\"Libya\" />"}'>
<option value="LI" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/li.png\" alt=\"Liechtenstein\" />"}'>
<option value="LT" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/lt.png\" alt=\"Lithuania\" />"}'>
<option value="LU" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/lu.png\" alt=\"Luxembourg\" />"}'>
<option value="MO" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/mo.png\" alt=\"Macau\" />"}'>
<option value="MG" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/mg.png\" alt=\"Madagascar\" />"}'>
<option value="MW" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/mw.png\" alt=\"Malawi\" />"}'>
<option value="MY" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/my.png\" alt=\"Malaysia\" />"}'>
<option value="MV" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/mv.png\" alt=\"Maldives\" />"}'>
<option value="ML" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ml.png\" alt=\"Mali\" />"}'>
<option value="MT" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/mt.png\" alt=\"Malta\" />"}'>
<option value="MH" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/mh.png\" alt=\"Marshall Islands\" />"}'>
Marshall Islands
<option value="MQ" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/mq.png\" alt=\"Martinique\" />"}'>
<option value="MR" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/mr.png\" alt=\"Mauritania\" />"}'>
<option value="MU" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/mu.png\" alt=\"Mauritius\" />"}'>
<option value="YT" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/yt.png\" alt=\"Mayotte\" />"}'>
<option value="MX" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/mx.png\" alt=\"Mexico\" />"}'>
<option value="MD" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/md.png\" alt=\"Moldova\" />"}'>
<option value="MC" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/mc.png\" alt=\"Monaco\" />"}'>
<option value="MN" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/mn.png\" alt=\"Mongolia\" />"}'>
<option value="ME" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/me.png\" alt=\"Montenegro\" />"}'>
<option value="MS" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ms.png\" alt=\"Montserrat\" />"}'>
<option value="MA" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ma.png\" alt=\"Morocco\" />"}'>
<option value="MZ" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/mz.png\" alt=\"Mozambique\" />"}'>
<option value="MM" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/mm.png\" alt=\"Myanmar\" />"}'>
<option value="NA" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/na.png\" alt=\"Namibia\" />"}'>
<option value="NR" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/nr.png\" alt=\"Nauru\" />"}'>
<option value="NP" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/np.png\" alt=\"Nepal\" />"}'>
<option value="NL" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/nl.png\" alt=\"Netherlands\" />"}'>
<option value="NC" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/nc.png\" alt=\"New Caledonia\" />"}'>
New Caledonia
<option value="NZ" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/nz.png\" alt=\"New Zealand\" />"}'>
New Zealand
<option value="NI" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ni.png\" alt=\"Nicaragua\" />"}'>
<option value="NE" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ne.png\" alt=\"Niger\" />"}'>
<option value="NG" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ng.png\" alt=\"Nigeria\" />"}'>
<option value="NU" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/nu.png\" alt=\"Niue\" />"}'>
<option value="NF" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/nf.png\" alt=\"Norfolk Island\" />"}'>
Norfolk Island
<option value="KP" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/kp.png\" alt=\"North Korea\" />"}'>
North Korea
<option value="MK" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/mk.png\" alt=\"North Macedonia\" />"}'>
North Macedonia
<option value="GB-NIR" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/gb.png\" alt=\"Northern Ireland\" />"}'>
Northern Ireland
<option value="MP" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/mp.png\" alt=\"Northern Mariana Islands\" />"}'>
Northern Mariana Islands
<option value="NO" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/no.png\" alt=\"Norway\" />"}'>
<option value="OM" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/om.png\" alt=\"Oman\" />"}'>
<option value="PK" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/pk.png\" alt=\"Pakistan\" />"}'>
<option value="PW" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/pw.png\" alt=\"Palau\" />"}'>
<option value="PA" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/pa.png\" alt=\"Panama\" />"}'>
<option value="PG" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/pg.png\" alt=\"Papua New Guinea\" />"}'>
Papua New Guinea
<option value="PY" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/py.png\" alt=\"Paraguay\" />"}'>
<option value="PE" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/pe.png\" alt=\"Peru\" />"}'>
<option value="PH" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ph.png\" alt=\"Philippines\" />"}'>
<option value="PN" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/pn.png\" alt=\"Pitcairn\" />"}'>
<option value="PL" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/pl.png\" alt=\"Poland\" />"}'>
<option value="PT" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/pt.png\" alt=\"Portugal\" />"}'>
<option value="PR" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/pr.png\" alt=\"Puerto Rico\" />"}'>
Puerto Rico
<option value="QA" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/qa.png\" alt=\"Qatar\" />"}'>
<option value="CG" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/cg.png\" alt=\"Republic of the Congo\" />"}'>
Republic of the Congo
<option value="RO" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ro.png\" alt=\"Romania\" />"}'>
<option value="RU" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ru.png\" alt=\"Russia\" />"}'>
<option value="RW" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/rw.png\" alt=\"Rwanda\" />"}'>
<option value="RE" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/re.png\" alt=\"Réunion\" />"}'>
<option value="BL" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/bl.png\" alt=\"Saint Barthélemy\" />"}'>
Saint Barthélemy
<option value="SH" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/sh.png\" alt=\"Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha\" />"}'>
Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
<option value="KN" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/kn.png\" alt=\"Saint Kitts and Nevis\" />"}'>
Saint Kitts and Nevis
<option value="LC" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/lc.png\" alt=\"Saint Lucia\" />"}'>
Saint Lucia
<option value="MF" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/mf.png\" alt=\"Saint Martin\" />"}'>
Saint Martin
<option value="PM" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/pm.png\" alt=\"Saint Pierre and Miquelon\" />"}'>
Saint Pierre and Miquelon
<option value="VC" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/vc.png\" alt=\"Saint Vincent and the Grenadines\" />"}'>
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
<option value="WS" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ws.png\" alt=\"Samoa\" />"}'>
<option value="SM" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/sm.png\" alt=\"San Marino\" />"}'>
San Marino
<option value="ST" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/st.png\" alt=\"Sao Tome and Principe\" />"}'>
Sao Tome and Principe
<option value="SA" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/sa.png\" alt=\"Saudi Arabia\" />"}'>
Saudi Arabia
<option value="GB-SCT" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/gb.png\" alt=\"Scotland\" />"}'>
<option value="SN" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/sn.png\" alt=\"Senegal\" />"}'>
<option value="RS" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/rs.png\" alt=\"Serbia\" />"}'>
<option value="SC" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/sc.png\" alt=\"Seychelles\" />"}'>
<option value="SL" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/sl.png\" alt=\"Sierra Leone\" />"}'>
Sierra Leone
<option value="SG" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/sg.png\" alt=\"Singapore\" />"}'>
<option value="SX" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/sx.png\" alt=\"Sint Maarten\" />"}'>
Sint Maarten
<option value="SK" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/sk.png\" alt=\"Slovakia\" />"}'>
<option value="SI" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/si.png\" alt=\"Slovenia\" />"}'>
<option value="SB" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/sb.png\" alt=\"Solomon Islands\" />"}'>
Solomon Islands
<option value="SO" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/so.png\" alt=\"Somalia\" />"}'>
<option value="ZA" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/za.png\" alt=\"South Africa\" />"}'>
South Africa
<option value="GS" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/gs.png\" alt=\"South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands\" />"}'>
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
<option value="KR" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/kr.png\" alt=\"South Korea\" />"}'>
South Korea
<option value="SS" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ss.png\" alt=\"South Sudan\" />"}'>
South Sudan
<option value="ES" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/es.png\" alt=\"Spain\" />"}'>
<option value="LK" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/lk.png\" alt=\"Sri Lanka\" />"}'>
Sri Lanka
<option value="PS" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ps.png\" alt=\"State of Palestine\" />"}'>
State of Palestine
<option value="SD" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/sd.png\" alt=\"Sudan\" />"}'>
<option value="SR" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/sr.png\" alt=\"Suriname\" />"}'>
<option value="SJ" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/sj.png\" alt=\"Svalbard and Jan Mayen\" />"}'>
Svalbard and Jan Mayen
<option value="SZ" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/sz.png\" alt=\"Swaziland\" />"}'>
<option value="SE" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/se.png\" alt=\"Sweden\" />"}'>
<option value="CH" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ch.png\" alt=\"Switzerland\" />"}'>
<option value="SY" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/sy.png\" alt=\"Syrian Arab Republic\" />"}'>
Syrian Arab Republic
<option value="TW" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/tw.png\" alt=\"Taiwan\" />"}'>
<option value="TJ" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/tj.png\" alt=\"Tajikistan\" />"}'>
<option value="TZ" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/tz.png\" alt=\"Tanzania\" />"}'>
<option value="TH" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/th.png\" alt=\"Thailand\" />"}'>
<option value="TL" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/tl.png\" alt=\"Timor-Leste\" />"}'>
<option value="TG" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/tg.png\" alt=\"Togo\" />"}'>
<option value="TK" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/tk.png\" alt=\"Tokelau\" />"}'>
<option value="TO" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/to.png\" alt=\"Tonga\" />"}'>
<option value="TT" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/tt.png\" alt=\"Trinidad and Tobago\" />"}'>
Trinidad and Tobago
<option value="TN" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/tn.png\" alt=\"Tunisia\" />"}'>
<option value="TR" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/tr.png\" alt=\"Turkey\" />"}'>
<option value="TM" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/tm.png\" alt=\"Turkmenistan\" />"}'>
<option value="TC" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/tc.png\" alt=\"Turks and Caicos Islands\" />"}'>
Turks and Caicos Islands
<option value="TV" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/tv.png\" alt=\"Tuvalu\" />"}'>
<option value="UG" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ug.png\" alt=\"Uganda\" />"}'>
<option value="UA" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ua.png\" alt=\"Ukraine\" />"}'>
<option value="AE" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ae.png\" alt=\"United Arab Emirates\" />"}'>
United Arab Emirates
<option value="GB" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/gb.png\" alt=\"United Kingdom\" />"}'>
United Kingdom
<option value="UM" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/um.png\" alt=\"United States Minor Outlying Islands\" />"}'>
United States Minor Outlying Islands
<option value="US" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/us.png\" alt=\"United States of America\" />"}'>
United States of America
<option value="UY" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/uy.png\" alt=\"Uruguay\" />"}'>
<option value="UZ" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/uz.png\" alt=\"Uzbekistan\" />"}'>
<option value="VU" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/vu.png\" alt=\"Vanuatu\" />"}'>
<option value="VE" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ve.png\" alt=\"Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)\" />"}'>
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
<option value="VN" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/vn.png\" alt=\"Vietnam\" />"}'>
<option value="VG" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/vg.png\" alt=\"Virgin Islands (British)\" />"}'>
Virgin Islands (British)
<option value="VI" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/vi.png\" alt=\"Virgin Islands (U.S.)\" />"}'>
Virgin Islands (U.S.)
<option value="GB-WLS" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/gb.png\" alt=\"Wales\" />"}'>
<option value="WF" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/wf.png\" alt=\"Wallis and Futuna\" />"}'>
Wallis and Futuna
<option value="EH" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/eh.png\" alt=\"Western Sahara\" />"}'>
Western Sahara
<option value="YE" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/ye.png\" alt=\"Yemen\" />"}'>
<option value="ZM" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/zm.png\" alt=\"Zambia\" />"}'>
<option value="ZW" data-hs-select-option='{
"icon": "<img class=\"dxkem m5z5i a3ufl \" src=\"../../assets/vendor/svg-country-flags/png100px/zw.png\" alt=\"Zimbabwe\" />"}'>
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<!-- End Select -->
<!-- End Input -->
<!-- End Input Grid -->
<!-- Input Grid -->
<div class="hij2j">
<div class="cwrq4 bg6xe yru4d ahnaj">
<div id="hs-wrapper-for-address-copy" class="ia4l2">
<!-- Input -->
<div id="hs-content-for-address-copy">
<label for="hs-pro-esssa" class="block pqyx6 hac7f ivg4u dt7pj dark:text-neutral-200">
Store address
<input id="hs-pro-esssa" type="email" class="fuiju tm5do block w-full jujtl xroga hac7f dt7pj h1ur8 mow9x hjrzy kjmk4 dark:bg-neutral-800 dark:border-neutral-700 dark:text-neutral-200 dark:placeholder:text-neutral-500 dark:focus:outline-none dark:focus:ring-1 dark:focus:ring-neutral-600">
<!-- End Input -->
<!-- Add Variant -->
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"wrapperSelector": "#hs-wrapper-for-address-copy",
"limit": 2
}' class="eh7as iv41c xgqt9 items-center c0yql ps4xk ivg4u a3ufl dpq4d xaqn2 jujtl v869m kikgv ze1zv oekgx z50zr sbnko pfxy3 dark:bg-neutral-800 dark:border-neutral-700 dark:text-green-500 dark:hover:bg-neutral-700 dark:focus:bg-neutral-700">
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Add address
<!-- End Add Variant -->
<!-- End Input Grid -->
<!-- Input Grid -->
<div class="cwrq4 uqcx1 jwgcu yru4d ahnaj">
<!-- Input -->
<div class="dzjy8">
<label for="hs-pro-essun" class="block pqyx6 hac7f ivg4u dt7pj dark:text-neutral-200">
Apartment, Suite
<input id="hs-pro-essun" type="text" class="fuiju tm5do block w-full jujtl xroga hac7f dt7pj h1ur8 mow9x hjrzy kjmk4 dark:bg-neutral-800 dark:border-neutral-700 dark:text-neutral-200 dark:placeholder:text-neutral-500 dark:focus:outline-none dark:focus:ring-1 dark:focus:ring-neutral-600">
<!-- End Input -->
<!-- Input -->
<div class="dzjy8">
<label for="hs-pro-esszc" class="block pqyx6 hac7f ivg4u dt7pj dark:text-neutral-200">
ZIP / Postal code
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<!-- End Input -->
<!-- Input -->
<div class="w28rj">
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<!-- End Input -->
<!-- End Input Grid -->
<!-- Input Grid -->
<div class="hij2j">
<!-- Switch/Toggle -->
<div class="flex encm3 items-center">
<div class="relative dxkem">
<input type="checkbox" id="hs-pro-essaapp" class="relative u3r0k ze8ho arrd8 rg6vy vm1ok a3ufl cursor-pointer r2uh1 cfk4u gxslw kjmk4 oekgx z50zr checked:bg-none checked:text-green-600 checked:border-green-600 focus:checked:border-green-600 dark:bg-neutral-800 dark:border-neutral-700 dark:checked:bg-green-500 dark:checked:border-green-500 dark:focus:ring-offset-neutral-900
c5flu zyk20 n7mnu ep1fp ibw6n u0orr wqdxa uphjs ai84n gzju2 wu2ov z3hip rhctc dark:before:bg-neutral-400 dark:checked:before:bg-white" checked>
<label for="hs-pro-essaapp" class="btpiv izvox hac7f vej1k dark:text-neutral-400">Accept Apple Pay payments</label>
<!-- End Switch/Toggle -->
<!-- Switch/Toggle -->
<div class="flex encm3 items-center">
<div class="relative dxkem">
<input type="checkbox" id="hs-pro-essagpp" class="relative u3r0k ze8ho arrd8 rg6vy vm1ok a3ufl cursor-pointer r2uh1 cfk4u gxslw kjmk4 oekgx z50zr checked:bg-none checked:text-green-600 checked:border-green-600 focus:checked:border-green-600 dark:bg-neutral-800 dark:border-neutral-700 dark:checked:bg-green-500 dark:checked:border-green-500 dark:focus:ring-offset-neutral-900
c5flu zyk20 n7mnu ep1fp ibw6n u0orr wqdxa uphjs ai84n gzju2 wu2ov z3hip rhctc dark:before:bg-neutral-400 dark:checked:before:bg-white" checked>
<label for="hs-pro-essagpp" class="btpiv izvox hac7f vej1k dark:text-neutral-400">Accept Google Pay payments</label>
<!-- End Switch/Toggle -->
<!-- End Input Grid -->
<!-- End Store Settings Card -->